Prerequisites for Application Servers

Before installing TIBCO MDM on application server, you need to verify various prerequisites.

  • Ensure that TIBCO MDM is installed.
  • Ensure that anyone of the following database that you have installed is up and running:
    • Oracle
    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
  • Ensure that Configurator is installed.
  • Ensure that all required environment variables are set. See Environment Variables.
  • Ensure that JMS is up and running.
  • Ensure that seed data is created.
    • For PostgreSQL database, you cannot create seed data using Database Setup Wizard in Configurator. This is a limitation.
      Note: Ensure that you have access to the Administrative console to install and configure TIBCO MDM. You can use the Administrative console for WebSphere and WebLogic application servers.
  • Ensure the Java Versions

    Currently, TIBCO MDM requires the Java versions listed as follows. Consult the readme shipped with your installation of TIBCO MDM for the most up-to-date software requirements.

    • JBoss WildFly Application Server

      JRE 11 (Default)

      Sun JVM

    • Weblogic Application Server

      JRE 8

      Sun JVM or JRrockit JVM

    • WebSphere Application Server

      JRE 8

      IBM JVM

      For HP platforms, use HP JVMs.

TIBCO MDM is not certified with Open JDK. However, if you use Open Java and encounter TIBCO MDM problems that require support, download and point to the Oracle release (JAVA_HOME). You can then verify that the issue is reproducible before contacting TIBCO support.