Using the Swagger UI to Browse REST APIs

TIBCO MDM REST APIs are integrated with the Swagger framework. This framework provides a browser-based test client using which you can visualize and try out TIBCO MDM REST APIs.


You must set the following environment variables: SWAGGER_MDM_HOST and SWAGGER_MDM_PORT to specify an IP address and port of the TIBCO MDM server on which you want to try out the REST APIs.


  1. To access Swagger, open a browser and enter the following URL. For example:http://localhost:8090/rest/swagger-ui.html.
    The following Web page is displayed.

  2. In Swagger, click the REST API link. For example, the Admin REST API.
    The page displays a list of administrator REST services.

  3. Click the endpoint, and then click Try it out to see the request parameters, request model, response body, and response code.

What to do next

You can use the Swagger interface to try out additional TIBCO MDM REST API endpoints and view sample responses.