Record Classification Details

To return record classification details, you need to specify the <ClassificationSchemes> context in the <Return> tag. You can search for records including the record classification details.

  • ClassificationScheme — Specify one or more classification scheme names in the <ClassificationSchemes> context, which includes the classification and record information.
             <ClassificationScheme name="food"/>
  • ALL — Specify to return all record classifications in response.

To access the sample XML files, navigate to the Support Tools menu, click Configuration Viewer. The Configuration Viewer page is displayed. Click common > standard > samples and download Extract the file and go to schemas/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository:

  • schemas/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-query/MasterCatalogRecord-QueryData-ReturnClassificationDetails-Request.xml
  • schemas/home/mdmuser/tibco/mdm/version/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-query/MasterCatalogRecord-QueryData-ReturnClassificationDetails-Response.xml