TIBCO MDM Containerization

You can containerize TIBCO MDM and run it in a Docker or Kubernetes environment. To containerize TIBCO MDM, you must build and run the Docker images using the bundled Docker ZIP file.

The Dockerfiles are delivered as a ZIP file on the TIBCO eDelivery website. Download the TIB_mdm_9.2.0_container.zip file and extract its content to a separate directory. In the directory, locate the ready-to-use Dockerfile and other scripts required to build the images. You can build images using the Dockerfiles, and then run them as containers. For information about building images, see Building and Running TIBCO MDM All-in-One Container Docker Image and Building TIBCO MDM Containers for Cluster Docker Images.

A container consists of an entire runtime environment: an application; all its dependencies, and configuration files needed to run it bundled into one package. You need not worry about the differences of operating system distribution in case of container application. For information about Docker concepts, such as, Dockerfile, Docker Image, and Container, see Docker documentation.

The TIBCO MDM containers are available in two modes:

Note: Before you build and run the Docker image of TIBCO MDM All-in-One container, TIBCO MDM Cluster container, and the components included in the TIBCO MDM Cluster container, install Docker on the machine and perform the initial setup based on your operating system. For complete details on Docker installation, see Docker documentation.