MatrixObject Members

These members are related to Matrix Library Management Object.


Name Description
MatrixAdd Adds Matrix1 with Matrix2, of the same dimension, and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixAllNonZero Returns 1 if all elements of Matrix are not 0, else returns 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixAnyNonZero Returns 1 if any element of Matrix is not 0, else returns 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCholeskyDecomposition Performs a Cholesky Decomposition on the upper diagonal of Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCombineHoriz Places Matrix2 to the right of Matrix1 in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCombineVert Places Matrix2 to the right of Matrix1 in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCopy Copies Matrix from Row1,Col1 using NumOfRows and NumOfColumns to Matrix2 starting at Row2,Col2. Source and Destination Matrices may be the same and overlap is allowed. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCorrelations Computes the correlation of Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Intercept is included if set to 1 and not included if set to 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixCrossProductOfDev Computes the Cross product of deviations of Matrix places in MatrixResult. Intercept is included if set to 1 and not included if set to 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixDet Calculates the determinant of Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixDisplay Displays the Matrix in a scrollsheet with the title of Title. Return value: Integer.
MatrixDrawInverseWishart Return an N by N matrix of random numbers from the inverse Wishart distribution. Covariance matrix is N by N. Return value: Variant.
MatrixDrawMVN Return an N by M matrix of random numbers from multivariate normal distribution. Mean vector is length M, Covariance Matrix is M by M. Return value: Variant.
MatrixDuplicate Duplicates Matrix into MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixEigenValues Computes Eigen values in EigenValueVector using Matrix1 and returns the positive number of Eigen values in NumPosEigenValues. Return value: Integer.
MatrixEigenVectors Computes Eigen values in EigenValueVector, Eigen vectors in EigenVectorVector using Matrix1 and returns the positive number of Eigen values in NumPosEigenValues. Return value: Integer.
MatrixElemAdd Adds Scalar to Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixElemDivide Divides Scalar from Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixElemMultiply Multiplies Scalar to Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixElemSubtract Subtracts Scalar from Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixExtract Extracts a sub-Matrix from Matrix starting at (Row,Col) for NoOfRows and NoOfColumns. If NoOfRows or NoOfCols is 0 then the full size of the sub-Matrix is used. Return value: Integer.
MatrixFill Places Value to Matrix in the region given by Row,Col and NumOfRows,NumOfColumns. Return value: Integer.
MatrixGeneralEigenvalues Compute eigenvalues for a general matrix.
MatrixGeneralPseudoInverse Calculates the general inverse of Matrix so that MatrixResult*Matrix*MatrixResult = MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixGetColumn Extracts Column from Matrix and places in ColVector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixGetDiagonal Places the main diagonal of Matrix to Vector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixGetRow Extracts Row from Matrix and places in RowVector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixGramSchmidtOrt Performs the Gram Schmidt orthonormalization of Matrix and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIdentity Sets the Matrix to the Identity matrix. The diagonal of the Matrix will be 1 and the rest 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixInverse Inverts Matrix to MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsEqual Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) = Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsGreater Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) > Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsGreaterEqual Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) >= Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsLess Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) < Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsLessEqual Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) <= Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixIsNotEqual Compares Matrix1 with Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. If Matrix1(n,m) <> Matrix2(n,m) then MatrixResult(n,m) = 1 else MatrixResult(n,m) = 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixKroneckerMultiply Kronecker multiplies Matrix1 and Matrix2 and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixLogicalAnd Applies the logical AND function to Matrix1 and Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. Consult logical AND truth table for more information about the AND function. Return value: Integer.
MatrixLogicalNot Applies the logical NOT function to Matrix1 and Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. Consult logical NOT truth table for more information about the NOT function. Return value: Integer.
MatrixLogicalOr Applies the logical OR function to Matrix1 and Matrix2 and places result in MatrixResult. Consult logical OR truth table for more information about the OR function. Return value: Integer.
MatrixMeans Computes the means of Matrix and places in Vector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixMultiply Matrix multiplies Matrix1 and Matrix2 and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixRank Returns the rank of Matrix in Rank. Return value: Integer.
MatrixRead Reads the file containing matrix data into Matrix. The file should be delimited with non-numeric data such as a space or tab and each line should end with a carriage return character. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSetColumn Sets Column of Matrix to ColVector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSetDiagonal Places the Vector to the main diagonal of the Matrix. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSetRow Sets Row of Matrix to RowVector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSetToZero Sets the entire matrix to 0. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSingularValues Calculates the Singular values of Matrix and places in SingularVector. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSingularValuesDecomp The MatrixSingularValuesDecomp function will perform the singular value decomposition for the specified Matrix. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSolve Solves a set of linear equations expressed by Matrix and Vector and places the solution in VectorResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSubtract Subtracts Matrix2 from Matrix1, of the same dimension, and places in MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSumOfSquares Computes the Sum of Squares of the Matrix and places in Result. Return value: Integer.
MatrixSweep Performs a sweep of Matrix placing results back in Matrix starting from FromColumn and ending at ToColumn. Delta is the direction of the sweep. Delta = 1 is forward sweep, Delta = -1 is backward sweep. Return value: Integer.
MatrixTrace Sums the Diagonal of the Matrix and places in DiagonalSum. Return value: Integer.
MatrixTranspose Transposes Matrix to MatrixResult. Return value: Integer.
MatrixWrite Save the Matrix to the file that is compatible with the MatrixRead function. Return value: Integer.
MultivariateNormalProbability Computes multivariate normal probabilities. Return value: Double.
PolynomialFit Calculates Polynomial fit of the specified order for the array of x/y values specified; returns array of polynomial coefficients and the calculated rSquare of the fit.
PolynomialRoots Find the roots of a polynomial by finding the eigenvalues of the companion matrix. Specify the poly coefficients C as an array of length n, C[0] + C[1] x + ...


Name Description
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