
Syntax Parameters Return Value
- - String

SVB Example

Data Entry Example 8: Adding a taskset:

Sub Main

    Dim oOM As New ObjectManager

    'Make a copy of Enterprise's ObjectReporter that we can edit
    Dim ObjRpt As ObjectReporter
    Set ObjRpt = oOM.ObjectReporter

    'Selecet the folder that we want to review
    ObjRpt.Folder = oOM.FindFolder("/Blake's Materials")

    'We will want a spreadsheet and report of the folder's information
    ObjRpt.WantReport = True
    ObjRpt.WantSpreadsheet = True

    'Let's just include the data/analysis configurations, labels, and characteristics in the reports
    ObjRpt.WhichObjects = swcProfile Or swcMonitor Or swcLabel Or swcCharacteristic

    'Specify which information to include. Here, we will include everything
    ObjRpt.Options = swcIncludeObjectName Or swcIncludeSDMSInfo Or _
        swcIncludeUserAndGroup Or swcIncludeOrphanObjects Or swcIncludeChildFolder

    Dim myOutput
    Set myOutput = ObjRpt.MakeReport(Application)

    'If we request both a report and a spreadsheet, then we will get
    'an array containing both documents.
    'If we only request one type of document, then MakeReport will create
    'a document (not an array of documents) instead.
    'Here, we have requested both types of output and we will loop
    'through the array and make the output visible.
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(myOutput) To UBound(myOutput)
        myOutput(i).Visible = True


End Sub