Toad Intelligence Servers

With Toad™ Intelligence Central, you can easily share information across your team.

This set of data reporting tools provides a centralized repository for up-to-date information, making data provisioning more efficient in a sanctioned, company-controlled environment. Data gathered by Toad™ Data Point, a data analysis and reporting tool, can be published directly to Toad Intelligence Central.

Statistica is integrated with Toad Intelligence Central, allowing the Enterprise data administrator to configure Statistica Enterprise to reference the TIC servers. This enables users to access all the data sources supported by TIC.

The objects available here enable you to manage and configure connections to TIC.

Note about TIC servers

When a TIC Server connection is saved, and there is not an associated database connection, Statistica automatically creates a corresponding database connection object that uses the MySQL driver installed with Statistica and the MySQL port number defined by the TIC Application server.

When a new TIC server is added to Statistica Enterprise, a database connection is created (with the same name as that of the TIC server name). You can create a data configuration with this database connection, and an analysis configuration off of the corresponding data configuration.