This function is called for executing a command.
Syntax | Parameters | Return Value |
Sub COMadaptR.Exec( _ bstrExpression As String) |
bstrExpression [in]
The R code to execute. Type: String |
This function does not return a value. |
SVB Example
Generating a report from R data & output:
Sub Main Dim R As New COMadaptR R.Init On Error GoTo RErrorHandler R.Exec("score = c(97, 92, 86, 89, 90, 72, 68, 75, 64, 54)") R.Exec("name = c('Gabrielle', 'Suzie', 'Jo', 'Francis', 'Emma', 'Tyler', 'Mackenzie', 'Jennifer', 'Stephanie', 'Max')") R.Exec("df = data.frame(name, score)") 'Retrieve our data from R and format it into a textual table for our report. Dim textResults As String 'Add a formatted header for this section. '"\cf2" will indicate the second color from the RTF header's color table [see below], '"\b" will make it bold, and "\ul" will underline it. 'Note that you must close each RTF tag with a respective "zero" tag (e.g., "\b0"), 'following a FIFO ("first-in, first-out") stack. textResults = textResults & "\pard\cf2\b\ul RAW SCORES\cf0\b0\ul0\line\line " Dim dataOutput As Variant dataOutput = R.Eval("as.matrix(df)") 'Get the data as a 2D text array Dim i As Long, j As Long For i = LBound(dataOutput,1) To UBound(dataOutput,1) For j = LBound(dataOutput,2) To UBound(dataOutput,2) 'Highlight failing grades in red '("\cf3" indicates the 3rd color in the RTF header's color table). If CInt(dataOutput(i,1)) < 60 Then textResults = textResults & "\cf3 " & dataOutput(i,j) & "\cf0 " & vbTab 'Highlight student with 'A' grades in blue. ElseIf CInt(dataOutput(i,1)) >= 90 Then textResults = textResults & "\cf4 " & dataOutput(i,j) & "\cf0 " & vbTab Else textResults = textResults & dataOutput(i,j) & vbTab End If Next textResults = textResults & "\line " Next textResults = textResults & "\par " 'Create a stem & leaf plot from R Dim vOutput As Variant vOutput = R.Eval("capture.output(try(stem(df$score), silent = TRUE))") 'The returned stem & leaf will be an array of strings. 'Iterate through these rows of text and put it into the report. textResults = textResults & "\pard\cf2\b\ul STEM & LEAF\cf0\b0\ul0\line " For i = LBound(vOutput) To UBound(vOutput) textResults = textResults & vOutput(i) & "\par " Next Dim rpt As New Report 'Add a formatted header to the report. rpt.SelectionRTF = _ "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1029" & _ "{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq4\fcharset0 Arial;}}" & _ "{\colortbl ;\red0\green64\blue64;\red0\green128\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue200;}" & _ "\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs22 " & _ "Test Scores Report (" & Trim(Str(Date)) & ")\cf0\ul0\b0\par\line " & textResults & "}" rpt.Visible = True R.Close Exit Sub RErrorHandler: MsgBox R.GetErrorText End Sub
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