
Syntax Parameters Return Value
Function SDMSHelper.RevertBinaryDocumentEx( _
    BinaryDocumentID As Integer, _
    ToRevision As Integer, _
    RevertInfo As DocumentRevertInfo) As Boolean
  • BinaryDocumentID [in]

The ID of the document.

Type: Integer

  • ToRevision [in]

The revision to roll back to.

Type: Integer

  • RevertInfo [in]

Comments about the roll back.

Type: DocumentRevertInfo


SVB Example

Reverting a document via SDMS:

Sub Main

    'Run the example "Approving a document via SDMS" prior to running
    'this one. It will assume a file named "/Blake's Materials/WEIGHTS Descriptives Script.svb"
    'is in the system.
    Dim oOM As ObjectManager
    'Reconnect into Enterprise
    Set oOM = New ObjectManager
    oOM.Reconnect Application

    'Revert the document to its initial version.
    Dim revertInfo As New DocumentRevertInfo
    revertInfo.DocumentComment = "Unapproving this document, it's still under review"
    oOM.SDMSHelper.RevertBinaryDocumentEx( _
        oOM.BinaryDocuments("/Blake's Materials/WEIGHTS Descriptives Script.svb").ID, _
        1, revertInfo)


End Sub