SpreadsheetDisplayType Enumeration
This enumeration specifies what to display in the Spreadsheet.
Enum SpreadsheetDisplayType
scDisplayTextValues = 0
scDisplayVariableNumbers = 1
scDisplayVariableLongNames = 2
scDisplayVariableTypes = 3
scDisplayCaseNames = 4
scDisplayHeader = 5
scDisplayMarkedCells = 6
scDisplaySelectedCases = 7
scDisplayIgnoreEmptyCaseNames = 8
scDisplayCaseStates = 9
End Enum
- scDisplayTextValues: The display of text values in the spreadsheet's cells.
- scDisplayVariableNumbers: The display of variable numbers in the variable headers.
- scDisplayVariableLongNames: The display of long names in the variable headers.
- scDisplayVariableTypes: The display of variable data types in the variable headers.
- scDisplayCaseNames: The display of case names.
- scDisplayHeader: The display of the spreadsheet header.
- scDisplayMarkedCells: The display of marked cells.
- scDisplaySelectedCases: The display of selection conditions.
- scDisplayIgnoreEmptyCaseNames: The inclusion of missing data.
- scDisplayCaseStates: Display case states.
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