
This function transforms variable(s) according to the supplied formula(s).

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Sub Spreadsheet.TransformWithExtraOptions( _
    Formulas As Variant, _
    Optional sep As String = ";", _
    Optional opt As SpreadSheetTransformOptionII = scIgnoreFormulaII, _
    Optional bCalculateAll As Boolean = False, _
    Optional bReplaceFormula As Boolean = False)
  • Formulas [in]

Variant value containing the formulas to be placed in the corresponding spreadsheet variables.

Type: Variant

  • sep [in,optional]

String value used as the formula separator. This only applies if multiple formulas are passed to the formulas parameter.

Type: String

Default value: ";"

  • opt [in,optional]

SpreadsheetTransformOption specifying how the function should handle existing variable formulas.

Type: SpreadSheetTransformOptionII

Default value: scIgnoreFormulaII

  • bCalculateAll [in,optional]

Whether or not to recalculate all variable formulas, or only those passed to the formulas parameter.

Type: Boolean

Default value: False

  • bReplaceFormula [in,optional]

Whether or not to replace existing variable formulas with those passed to the formulas parameter.

Type: Boolean

Default value: False

This function does not return a value.