TimStartup Members
Time Series startup dialog shows the following functions and properties
Functions | Description |
ARIMAAndAutocorrelationFunctions | Exit to ARIMA and autocorrelation functions dialog. |
Cancel | |
DeleteTimeSeriesVariable | Delete highlighted variable in friend listbox. |
DistributedLagsAnalysis | Exit to distributed lags analysis dialog. |
Ok | Return value: Integer. |
SeasonalDecompositionCensus1 | Exit to seasonal decomposition (Census method I) dialog. |
SpectralFourierAnalysis | Exit to spectral (Fourier) analysis dialog. |
Transformations | Exit to transformations dialog. |
X11CensusMethod2Monthly | Exit to X11 (Census method II) monthly dialog. |
X11CensusMethod2Quarterly | Exit to X11 (Census method II) quarterly dialog. |
Properties | Description |
Application | Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
FocusTimeSeriesVariable | Focus time series variable. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
InterpolateMDFromAdjacentPoints | Interpolate missing data replacements from adjacent points. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
LockTimeSeriesVariable | Lock (transformed) time series variable. Return/assignment value: String. |
MinimumMaximum | Minimum and maximum absolute valid values; values outside this range encountered during data reading will be treated as missing data. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
Name | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
NumberOfAdjacentPointsForMeanMDReplacement | Number of adjacent points, for replacements of missing data by mean of N adjacent points. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NumberOfAdjacentPointsMedianMDReplacement | Number of adjacent points, for replacements of missing data by median of N adjacent points. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NumberOfBackupsPerVariable | Number of backups per variable. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
PredictMDValuesFromLinearTrendRegression | Predict (replace) missing data points from linear trend regression. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ReplaceMDWithMeanOfNAdjacentPoints | Replace missing data points with median of N adjacent points. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ReplaceMDWithOverallMean | Replace missing data with overall mean. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsCodes | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsOption | Assignment value: Integer. |
ResultsOutputFields | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSaveFileName | Assignment value: String. |
ResultsSelection | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsSelectionOption | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsValues | Assignment value: Variant. |
ResultsVariables | Assignment value: Variant. |
SaveVariables | Save variables. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
SeriesLongName | Series long name. Return/assignment value: String. |
SeriesShortName | Series short name. Return/assignment value: String. |
Variables | Variables for analysis. Return/assignment value: String. |
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