SWLSpcExtension Entries
Entry for Statistica SPC Extension 1.0 Object Library.
- : Defines which users and groups can access a particular item.
- : Collection of AccessControlItem that detail user users and groups have access to this object.
- : Describes an ADO.NET database connection.
- ADONETDatabaseConnections: Collection of external database connections.
- ADONETDatabaseConnectionUpdateInfo
- AggregatedAttributeData
- Alarm
- AlarmData
- AlarmDataCollection
- AlarmManager
- AlarmSearchLimit
- AnalysisModule
- AnalysisModules
- AttributeData
- AttributeDataItem
- AuditLog: Describes the audit log options.
- AuditLogRecord
- AuditLogRecords
- AuditLogUpdateInfo
- Batch
- Batches
- BatchItem
- BatchItems
- BinaryDocument
- BinaryDocumentCreateInfo
- BinaryDocuments
- BinaryDocumentSDMSDocuments
- BinaryDocumentUpdateInfo
- Characteristic: Returns/sets properties of the Characteristic object.
- CharacteristicCreateInfo
- CharacteristicDocuments
- CharacteristicReturnCodes
- CharacteristicReturnCodesCollection
- Characteristics: Collection of Characteristics.
- CharacteristicUpdateInfo
- CloneInfo
- CodeInfo
- ColorCode
- ColorCodeCreateInfo
- ColorCodes
- ColorCodeUpdateInfo
- CreateExternalProfileOffStandardProfileOption: Collection of Profiles.
- Dashboard
- DashboardCreateInfo
- DashboardRow
- DashboardRowItem
- DashboardRows
- Dashboards
- DashboardUpdateInfo
- DataEntry
- DataEntryOptions
- DataEntrySession
- DataEntrySessionItem
- DataEntrySessionItems
- DataEntrySessions
- DataGlobalOptions
- DateTimeCriterionInfo: Specifies Date/Time criterion.
- DocumentHistory
- DocumentRevertInfo
- DocumentRevisionInfo
- Documents
- DynamicSpec
- EmailAddresses
- ExternalColumn: Controls the properties of a column (field) of an external profile.
- ExternalColumnDynamicSpec: Controls the dynamic column specifications for an external profiles.
- ExternalColumns: Collection of external column objects for a query.
- ExternalDatabaseConnection: Describes an external database connection.
- ExternalDatabaseConnectionCreateInfo
- ExternalDatabaseConnections: Collection of external database connections.
- ExternalDatabaseConnectionUpdateInfo
- ExternalDateTimeCriteria: Collection of DateTime Criteria objects.
- ExternalMonitorCriteria: Specifies the criteria associated with an external Monitor.
- ExternalMonitorDisplayFormats: Describes the collection of variable display formats used for an External Monitor.
- ExternalMonitorOption: Describes the options for an External Monitor.
- ExternalProfile: Describes an External (database) Profile.
- ExternalProfileOffStandardProfileDefaultOptions
- ExternalQueries: Contains a collection of all the external queries used by a Profile.
- ExternalQuery: Describes an external query for a Profile.
- FolderCreateInfo
- FolderUpdateInfo
- Group: Describes an Enterprise Group.
- GroupCreateInfo: Creation information for a Group.
- GroupMembers: Describes the collection of Users which belong to a Group.
- Groups: Collection of Enterprise Groups.
- GroupUpdateInfo
- HDFSServer
- HDFSServerCreateInfo
- HDFSServers
- HDFSServerUpdateInfo
- IAlarmHelper
- Icon
- IconCreateInfo
- IconImage
- IconImages
- Icons
- IconUpdateInfo
- InputStations: Specifies the list of input stations allowed for this object.
- IPasswordHelper
- Label: Describes a Label object.
- LabelCreateInfo
- LabelCriteria: Collection of Label Criteria.
- LabelCriterion: Describes a label criterion.
- LabelData
- LabelDocuments
- Labels: Collection of Labels.
- LabelUpdateInfo
- LabelValue: Describes a LabelValue object.
- LabelValueList: Describes a collection of Label Values.
- ListOfValue
- MailNotifyOptions
- MergedMonitorOption: Describes the options for a Merged Monitor.
- MergedProfile: Describes the options for a Merged Profile.
- MergedProfileDataDefinition: Describes the options for a Merged Profile.
- MergedProfileDataItem: Describes the item for an Aggregated Monitor.
- Message
- MiscGlobalOptions
- Monitor: Describes a Monitor Object.
- MonitorAdditionalVariable: Specifies properties for additional variables for the Monitor.
- MonitorAdditionalVariables: Collection of additional variables that are defined for a Monitor.
- MonitorAutoUpdateProperties: Describes the Auto Updating properties for a Monitor.
- MonitorCreateInfo
- MonitorDocuments
- MonitorGlobalOptions
- Monitors
- MonitorUpdateInfo
- ObjectManager: ObjectManager is the main object to the Enterprise database, and is the only object that is CoCreatable; all other Enterprise database objects are instantiated from this interface.
- ObjectReporter
- OtherMonitorProperties
- OutputMonitor: Describes the options for an Output (Report) Monitor.
- OutputMonitorComponent
- OutputMonitorComponentItem
- OutputMonitorScheduleInfo: Scheduling information for an Enterprise report.
- ParameterInfo
- Parameters
- PermissionInfo: Describes a Monitor Object.
- PermissionInfos
- Permissions: Collection of Permission values which describe access rights for a particular object.
- ProductTraceabilityHelper
- ProductTraceabilityUpdateInfo
- ProfileCreateInfo
- ProfileDocuments
- Profiles: Collection of Profiles.
- ProfileUpdateInfo
- Properties: Manages collection of properties.
- QCMonitorTask
- QueryEditor
- QueryEditorDisplayResult
- QueryEditorParameters
- QueryHelper
- QueryHelper2
- QueueManager
- RemoveInfo
- ReportOptionInfo
- Resultset: Describes the set of return values from Transaction Execute call.
- Sample
- SampleComment
- SampleComments
- SampleData
- SampleLabelData
- SamplePiece
- SamplePieces
- Samples
- SampleSearchOptions
- SampleWideDataEntryOptions
- SBDAServer
- SBDAServerCreateInfo
- SBDAServers
- SBDAServerUpdateInfo
- SDMSDocumentApprovalHistory
- SDMSDocumentApprovalInfo
- SDMSDocumentProfile
- SDMSDocumentProfileProperties
- SDMSDocumentProfileProperty
- SDMSDocumentProperties
- SDMSDocumentProperty
- SDMSHelper
- SDMSIntegration: Describes the configurations of the SDMS integration.
- SendMailInfo
- SetInfo: Describes a Set information.
- SourceStandardProfileInfo
- SPCFolder: Describes the SPCFolder (System view folder) object.
- StandardMonitorCriteria
- StandardMonitorDisplayFormats: Describes the collection of variable display formats used for a Standard Monitors.
- StandardMonitorOption: Specifies an option value for a Standard Monitor.
- StandardProfile: Defines the properties of the StandardProfile object; Standard Profiles are used for data collected and maintained directly in the Enterprise database.
- StandardProfileCharacteristicOption
- StandardProfileCharacteristicOptions
- StandardProfileConstraint
- StandardProfileConstraints
- StandardProfileInputDescription: Manages the characteristics and labels associate with this Standard Profile.
- StandardProfileInputItem: Defines the properties for data entry input of a Standard Profile.
- StandardProfileSequence
- StandardProfileSequenceCreateInfo
- StandardProfileSequenceDocuments
- StandardProfileSequenceItem
- StandardProfileSequenceItems
- StandardProfileSequences
- StandardProfileSequenceUpdateInfo
- StandardProfileWebDisplayOption
- Station: Describes a Station.
- StationCreateInfo
- StationCriteria
- Stations: Collection of Stations.
- StationUpdateInfo
- SVBDataMonitorCriteria
- SVBDataMonitorDisplayFormats: Describes the collection of variable display formats used for an SVB Data Monitor.
- SVBDataMonitorOption: Describes the options for an SVB Monitor.
- SVBMonitorTask
- SVBProfile: Describes the options for an SVB configuration.
- SVBProfileColumn
- SVBProfileColumns
- SystemOptions: Describes the system level options.
- SystemOptionUpdateInfo
- TaskColorCodes
- Tasks
- Taskset
- TasksetAction_RunProgram
- TasksetAction_SendMail
- TasksetActions
- TasksetCondition
- TasksetConditions
- TasksetCreateInfo
- TasksetOptions
- TasksetRepeatStringInfo
- TasksetRule
- TasksetRules
- Tasksets
- TasksetScheduleInfo
- TasksetScheduleStringInfo
- TasksetStatus
- TasksetStatuses
- TasksetStringHelper
- TasksetUpdateInfo
- TICServer
- TICServerCreateInfo
- TICServerLinkInfo
- TICServers
- TICServerUpdateInfo
- Transaction: Describes/controls Transaction execution within the Enterprise database.
- UnitOperationInfo
- UnitOperationParticipants
- User: Describes a User.
- UserAndGroupOptions
- UserCreateInfo
- UserGroupReporter
- UserGroups: Describes the collection of Groups which a User can access.
- Users: Collection of Enterprise users.
- UserUpdateInfo
- VariableData
- WebOptions
- AutoUpdateColumn: Specifies the sequence number for an Auto Update column.
- BuiltInDisplayFormat
- CharacteristicType: Specifies the type of Characteristic.
- ChartType: Specifies the Quality Control Chart Type for standard Profiles and Monitors.
- CodeType
- CrosstabColumn: Specifies the purpose for a crosstab field.
- DashboardRowItemType
- DataEntryMode: Specifies the order data will be entered for a standard profile.
- DataExtractionMode
- DataSourceType
- DateTimeCriteriaType
- DateTimeUnit
- DocumentRevisionConstant
- EmailAddressSource
- ExceptionConstant
- ExternalColumnCAValueListType: How an external profile stores cause and actions.
- ExternalColumnParts
- ExternalColumnQuoteOption
- ExternalColumnTargetType: Specifies the purpose of the external database column/field.
- FolderObjectType: Specifies the type of item contained in the System View Folder; resultant is the logical OR of these values.
- GroupReporterOptions
- IconCategory
- IconType
- LabelListType: Specifies how the list of Labels is maintained.
- LabelType: Specifies the type of Label.
- LicenseOption
- MergedProfileItemType
- MessageID
- MonitorCategory: Specifies the category of Monitor.
- MonitorType: Specifies the type of Monitor.
- ObjectRelationship
- ObjectReporterOptions
- OtherMonitorDocumentType
- OtherMonitorParameterFileType
- OtherMonitorType
- OuterJoinSyntax
- OutputMonitorAutoUpdateTimeUnit
- PasswordMode
- Permission: Specifies the Enterprise permissions; user permissions are the logical OR of these values.
- ProductTraceabilityAggregationType
- ProductTraceabilityRole
- ProfileType: Specifies the type of Profile.
- RefreshResult
- ReportAction
- ReportFormat
- ReportLayoutOutputDestination
- ReporterAction
- SQLOperator
- SSLErrorAction
- SVBMonitorSubType
- SampleApprovalStatus
- SampleCompleteStatus
- SamplePieceDataType
- SendMailMethod
- SortType
- StandardProfileInputItemDisplayOption
- StandardProfileInputItemType
- StandardProfileSQLBuilderOptions
- TICServerSyncOptions
- TaskErrorExecutionAction
- TasksetConditionOperator
- TasksetConditionsSatisfactionType
- TasksetExecutionResult
- TasksetRepeatCountUnit
- TasksetRepeatEndType
- TasksetScheduleType
- TasksetStatusType
- TasksetUpdateFrequencyType
- UserReporterOptions
- WebSTATViewType
- WebSTATViewType: Specifies how an Output (Report) Monitor will be rendered when run from the Web.
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