StandardProfile Members
These members define the properties of the StandardProfile object; Standard Profiles are used for data collected and maintained directly in the Enterprise database.
Name | Description |
ChangePath | - |
Clone | Return value: StandardProfile. |
CloneEx | Return value: StandardProfile. |
MakeSQL | Return value: String. |
Refresh | Re-reads the Standard Profile from the Enterprise database. |
RefreshEx | Return value: RefreshResult. |
Remove | Removes (deletes) this StandardProfile. |
RemoveEx | Removes (deletes) this Profile (with audit log explanation). |
Save | Saves changes to this StandardProfile. |
SaveEx | Saves changes to this Standard Profile (with audit log explanation). |
Name | Description |
AccessControlList | Returns the AccessControlList object which specifies which users and groups can access this Standard Profile. Return value: AccessControlList. This property is read only. |
AllowSampleApproval | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
AuditLogReasonForAutoSave | Return/assignment value: String. |
AutoSave | Returns/sets the auto save state for this Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
BlindDataEntry | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
BlindDataEntryManualApproval | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
BlindDataEntrySampleID | Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
CharacteristicOptions | Return value: StandardProfileCharacteristicOptions. This property is read only. |
CompleteOnSave | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Constraints | Return value: StandardProfileConstraints. This property is read only. |
DataEntryMode | Returns/sets the DateEntryMode for this Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: DataEntryMode. (NOT YET LINKED) |
DataSource | Returns/sets the database connection information for this StandardProfile Profile. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
DefaultMonitor | Sets the default Monitor associate with this Standard Profile; can be specified by ID or Name. Assignment value: Variant. |
DefaultMonitorFullPath | Returns the full path of the default Monitor associated with this Standard Profile. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
DefaultMonitorID | Returns the Monitor ID of the default Monitor associated with this Standard Profile. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
DefaultMonitorName | Returns the name of the default Monitor associated with this Standard Profile. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
DependentMonitors | Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
Description | Returns/sets the description of the Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: String. |
Dirty | Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
EmailRecipients | Return value: EmailAddresses. This property is read only. |
EmailSender | Return/assignment value: Variant. |
ExplicitBlindDataEntrySampleID | Return/assignment value: Variant. |
ExternalDatabaseConnection | Returns/sets the database connection information for this StandardProfile Profile. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
FullPath | Returns the full path of the Standard Profile. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
ID | Returns the ID of this Standard Profile. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
ImplicitBlindDataEntrySampleID | Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
InputDescription | Returns a StandardProfileInputDescription object for this Standard Profile. Return value: StandardProfileInputDescription. This property is read only. |
InputStations | Returns an InputStations collection which lists the Stations which can access this Standard Profile. Return value: InputStations. This property is read only. |
Name | Returns/sets the name of the Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: String. |
Param | Returns/sets name/value parameters associated with this Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
Path | Returns/sets the System Folder path for this Standard Profile. Return/assignment value: String. |
PathEx | Returns/sets the System Folder path for this Standard Profile. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
PathEx2 | Return value: String. This property is read only. |
Placements | Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
ReadOnly | Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
Revision | Returns/sets the revision of the Standard Profile. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
SampleWideDataEntryOptions | Return value: SampleWideDataEntryOptions. This property is read only. |
Sequence | Return value: StandardProfileSequence. This property is read only. |
Type | Returns/sets the type of Profile. Return/assignment value: ProfileType. |
UseSystemLevelEmailSender | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Variables | Return value: String(). This property is read only. |
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