Enum BasicStatisticsIdentifier
scBasStatnameNoStatistic = 0
scBasStatnameMean = 1
scBasStatnameSum = 2
scBasStatnameSum_unweighted = 3
scBasStatnameSum_weighted = 4
scBasStatnameVariance = 5
scBasStatnameStdDeviation = 6
scBasStatnameCoefOfVar = 7
scBasStatnameStdErrOfMean = 8
scBasStatnameCiOfMeanHi = 9
scBasStatnameCiOfMeanLo = 10
scBasStatnameCiOfSdHi = 11
scBasStatnameCiOfSdLo = 12
scBasStatnameSkewness = 13
scBasStatnameStdErrOfSkewness = 14
scBasStatnameKurtosis = 15
scBasStatnameStdErrOfKurtosis = 16
scBasStatnameMin = 17
scBasStatnameMax = 18
scBasStatnameRange = 19
scBasStatnameValidN = 20
scBasStatnamePctValidObs = 21
scBasStatnameSumOfWeights = 22
scBasStatnameTotalMass = 23
scBasStatnameCorrelation = 25
scBasStatnameCovariance = 26
scBasStatnameGrubbsStatistic = 27
scBasStatnameGrubbsPvalue = 28
scBasStatnameHarmonicMean = 29
scBasStatnameGeometricMean = 30
scBasStatnameTrimmedMean = 31
scBasStatnameWinsorizedMean = 32
scBasStatnameMedian = 33
scBasStatnameMode = 34
scBasStatnameModeFrequency = 35
scBasStatnameQuartile25 = 36
scBasStatnameQuartile75 = 37
scBasStatnameQuartileRange = 38
scBasStatnamePercentile1 = 39
scBasStatnamePercentile2 = 40
scBasStatnameCaseCount = 41
scBasStatnameGeneralPercentile = 42
scBasStatnameCountDistinct = 43
scBasStatnameAltBit = 1048576
End Enum
- scBasStatnameNoStatistic: Dummy statistic identifier, when a placeholder or invalid value is needed.
- scBasStatnameMean: The ordinary arithmetic mean.
- scBasStatnameSum: The sum of sample values, computed using weighted mean if case weights are enabled.
- scBasStatnameSum_unweighted: The sum of sample values, computed without considering weights.
- scBasStatnameSum_weighted: The sum of sample values, computed with weights.
- scBasStatnameVariance: The sample variance, with degrees-of-freedom correction.
- scBasStatnameStdDeviation: The sample standard deviation, with degrees-of-freedom correction.
- scBasStatnameCoefOfVar: The sample coefficient of variation.
- scBasStatnameStdErrOfMean: Standard Error of the Mean.
- scBasStatnameCiOfMeanHi: Upper confidence limit value for the mean, percentage must be specified elsewhere.
- scBasStatnameCiOfMeanLo: Lower confidence limit value for the mean, percentage must be specified elsewhere.
- scBasStatnameCiOfSdHi: Upper confidence limit value for the standard deviation, percentage must be specified elsewhere.
- scBasStatnameCiOfSdLo: Upper confidence limit value for the standard deviation, percentage must be specified elsewhere.
- scBasStatnameSkewness: Skewness statistic.
- scBasStatnameStdErrOfSkewness: Standard Error of Skewness.
- scBasStatnameKurtosis: Kurtosis statistic.
- scBasStatnameStdErrOfKurtosis: Standard Error of Kurtosis.
- scBasStatnameMin: Minimum (smallest) sample value.
- scBasStatnameMax: Maximum (largest) sample value.
- scBasStatnameRange: Range is the distance spanned by the samples, = Maximum - Minimum.
- scBasStatnameValidN: Number of valid (non-missing) samples. Counts 'case multiplier' but not 'case weight'.
- scBasStatnamePctValidObs: Number of valid samples as a percentage of all samples (see ValidN).
- scBasStatnameSumOfWeights: Sum of case weights.
- scBasStatnameTotalMass: Alias for ValidN or SumOfWeights, depending on the weighting options selected for the analysis. The divisor of the mean for this analysis.
- scBasStatnameCorrelation: Correlation coefficient.
- scBasStatnameCovariance: Sample covariance.
- scBasStatnameGrubbsStatistic: Grubbs Statistic, a measure of how extreme the most extreme value is.
- scBasStatnameGrubbsPvalue: The p-value associated with Grubbs statistic, based on a two-sided test for whether the most extreme valid is 'an outlier'.
- scBasStatnameHarmonicMean: Harmonic Mean - the reciprocal of the mean of the reciprocals of the mean.
- scBasStatnameGeometricMean: Geometric Mean - over N samples, the Nth root of the product of the samples.
- scBasStatnameTrimmedMean: Trimmed Mean - a 'robust' estimate of the mean, computed by ignoring the most extreme samples. Percent of samples to ignore is specified elsewhere, and equal 'mass' (number or weight of samples) is trimmed from both ends of the range.
- scBasStatnameWinsorizedMean: Winsorized Mean - a 'robust' estimate of the mean, computed by 'compressing' the most extreme samples. Percent of samples to compress is specified elsewhere, and equal 'mass' (number or weight of samples) from each end of the range are treated as if the all had the same, less extreme, value.
- scBasStatnameMedian: Median - the value below which hald of the sample mass falls. For unweighted analyses with an even number of samples, the Statistica options settings determine the interpolation formula used.
- scBasStatnameMode: Mode - the most common sample value. If no single value is most common, the result will be a missing data code.
- scBasStatnameModeFrequency: Frequency of the Mode - total mass (number or weight of cases) associated with the modal value. Even if there is no mode due to a tie, this value will be defined.
- scBasStatnameQuartile25: First Quartile - a value below which 25% of the sample mass falls.
- scBasStatnameQuartile75: Third Quartile - a value below which 75% of the sample mass falls.
- scBasStatnameQuartileRange: Quartile Range - the distance (difference) between the first third quartile values.
- scBasStatnamePercentile1: Configurable percentile value #1, percentage is a parameter.
- scBasStatnamePercentile2: Configurable percentile value #1, percentage is a parameter.
- scBasStatnameCaseCount: Count of cases, including those rejected due to missing due to missing data, but not those excluded by case state or case selection criteria.
- scBasStatnameGeneralPercentile: Generalized percentile value, parameter selects one pre-configured value from list.
- scBasStatnameCountDistinct: Count of distinct values.
- scBasStatnameAltBit: Adding the Alt bit to a statistic identifier requests an alternate interpretation. Primarily for internal use.