TimBivariateFourierResults Members

Time Series bivariate spectral (Fourier) analysis results dialog shows the following functions and properties

Functions Description
Ok Return value: Integer.
Properties Description
AppendToWorkAreaCoherency Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed coherency values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaCosineCoefficients Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed cosine coefficients. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaCospectralDensity Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed cospectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaCrossAmplitude Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed cross amplitude values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaCrossPeriodogram Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed cross periodogram values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaFrequencyValues Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed frequency values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaGain Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed gain values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaPeriodValues Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed period values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaPeriodogram Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed periodogram values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaPhaseSpectrum Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed phase spectrum estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaQuadratureSpectrum Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed quadrature spectrum estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaSineCoefficients Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed sine coefficients. Return/assignment value: Integer.
AppendToWorkAreaSpectralDensity Append to the work area (for further processing) the computed spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Application Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
DataWindowForDensityEstimatesBartlett Bartlett window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DataWindowForDensityEstimatesDaniell Daniell (equal weight) window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DataWindowForDensityEstimatesHamming Hamming window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DataWindowForDensityEstimatesParzen Parzen window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DataWindowForDensityEstimatesTukey Tukey window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DisplayLargestCrossPeriodogramImaginary Display largest imaginary cross periodogram values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
DisplayLargestCrossPeriodogramReal Display largest real cross periodogram values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ExaminePeriodogramFrom Examine periodogram from case number. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ExaminePeriodogramTo Examine periodogram to case number. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ExamineSubsetOfPeriodogram Examine (display) subset of periodogram. Return/assignment value: Integer.
HighlightValuesGreaterThan Value for highlighting (highlight values in results spreadsheet that are greater than this value). Return/assignment value: Integer.
HighlightValuesInSpreadsheet Highlight selected values in results spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Integer.
HistogramsOfSelectedResults Histograms of selected results. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
NLargestValues Value of N, to show N largest (real cross periodogram, or imaginary cross periodogram) values. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Name Return value: String. This property is read only.
Parent Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
PlotByFrequency Plot values by frequency. Return/assignment value: Integer.
PlotByLogPeriod Plot values by log of period. Return/assignment value: Integer.
PlotByPeriod Plot values by period. Return/assignment value: Integer.
PlotLogPeriodogramValues Plots of log of selected results. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
PlotsOfSelectedResults Plots of selected results. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ResultsCodes Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsOption Assignment value: Integer.
ResultsOutputFields Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSaveFileName Assignment value: String.
ResultsSelection Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSelectionOption Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsValues Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsVariables Assignment value: Variant.
SelectedResultCoherency Plot coherency values, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultCosineCoeffs Plot cosine coefficients, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultCospectralDensity Plot cospectral density estimates, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultCrossAmplitude Plot cross amplitude values, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultCrossPeriodogram Plot cross periodogram values, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultGain Plot gain values, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultPeriodogram Plot periodogram values, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultPhaseSpectrum Plot phase spectrum estimates, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultQuadratureSpectrum Plot quadrature spectrum estimates, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultSineCoeffs Plot sine coefficients, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SelectedResultSpectralDensity Plot spectral density estimates, in plots of selected results. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ShowNLargestValues Show N largest (real cross periodogram, or imaginary cross periodogram) values. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
Summary Summary, bivariate spectral (Fourier) analysis. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
UserDefinedDataWindow Use user defined data window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Variant.
WidthOfDataWindow Width of data window, for computing spectral density estimates. Return/assignment value: Integer.