Entry for Statistica Object Library.
- : Statistica AddIn Ribbon Info.
- : Analysis Option.
- : Area Defaults.
- Areas
- BackgroundImage: Statistica Background Image.
- Bagplot: 2D Bagplot Creation Object.
- BarColumnPlot: Bar-Column Plot Creation Object.
- Border
- BoxPlot2D: 2D Box Plot Creation Object.
- BoxPlot3D: 3D Box plot Creation Object.
- CaseWeight: Case Weight.
- CommandBar
- CommandBarItem
- CommandBarItems: CommandBarItems Collection.
- CommandBarOptions: Controls various options dealing with Command Bars.
- CommandBars: Controls various options dealing with Command Bars.
- CustomLists: Custom Lists Collection.
- DataMinerOption: DataMiner Option.
- DBSpreadsheet
- DBTable: DBTable Document Object.
- DocumentHost
- EnterpriseReportExtension: Additional information for enterprise reports.
- ExcelAnalysisDescriptor
- Font
- Format
- Formats: Format Collection.
- FormattedText: Formatted Text.
- Function2DPlot: 2D Function Plot Creation Object.
- Function3DPlot: 3D Function Plot Creation Object.
- GraphOption: Graph Options.
- GridBorder
- Histogram2D: 2D Histogram Creation Object.
- Histogram3D: 3D Histogram Plot Creation Object.
- IconPlot: Icon Plot Creation Object.
- InDBAnalyticsInfo
- InDBQueryHelper
- InPlaceDBOption: InPlaceDB Option.
- InputDescriptor: Input Descriptor.
- IStringTable
- Keys: Keys Collection.
- Library
- LineCaseProfiles: 2D Line Plot of Case Profiles Creation Object.
- LineDefaults: Line Defaults.
- LinePlot2D: 2D Line Plot of Variables Creation Object.
- Macro
- MacroOption: Macro Option.
- Macros: Macros Collection.
- ManagedWindows
- Margins
- MarkerDefaults: Marker Defaults.
- MatrixObject: Matrix Library Management Object.
- MatrixPlot: Matrix Plot Creation Object.
- MissingDataRangePlot: 2D Missing Data/Range Plot Creation Object.
- MonitorInfo: Information about the monitor for an enterprise report monitor.
- NamedProperties
- NamedProperty
- OutputOption: Output Option.
- Paragraph
- ParallelCoordinatePlot: 2D Parallel Coordinate Plot Creation Object.
- PieChart: 2D Pie Chart Creation Object.
- PlotGraphCreation: Plot Graph Creation Object.
- ProbabilityPlot: Normal Probability Plot Creation Object.
- ProbabilityProbabilityPlot: Probability-Probability plot Creation Object.
- ProcessMD: Missing Data (MD) processor object.
- ProgressBar: Progress Bar Object.
- Project: Statistica Project interface.
- QuantileQuantilePlot: Quantile-Quantile Plot Creation Object.
- Queries: Query Collection.
- Query
- QueryParameter
- QueryParameters
- Range
- RangePlot2D: 2D Range Plot Creation Object.
- RangePlot3D: 3D Range Plot Creation Object.
- Report
- ReportObject
- ReportObjects: ReportObjects collection.
- ReportOption: Report Option.
- RibbonBarQuickAccess: RibbonBar Quick Access Toolbar.
- RibbonBarSettings: Ribbon Bar Settings.
- RIntegrationOption: R Integration Option.
- Rules
- ScatErrorplot: Scatterplot with Error Bars Creation Object.
- ScatterIcons: Scatterplot Icons Creation Object.
- Scatterplots2D: 2D Scatterplots Creation Object.
- ScatterWithBox: Scatterplot with Box plots Creation Object.
- ScatterWithHistogram: Scatterplot with Histograms Creation Object.
- SelectionCondition: Selection Condition.
- Sequential3D: 3D Sequential Plot Creation Object.
- ServerOption: Server Options.
- SharePointOptions: SharePoint server entries options.
- Spreadsheet: The Spreadsheet object provides access to the Statistica Spreadsheet document, allowing read/writing of Spreadsheet data.
- SpreadsheetLayout: Spreadsheet Layout Object.
- SpreadsheetLayouts: Spreadsheet Layout Collection.
- SpreadsheetOption: Spreadsheet Option.
- SpreadsheetPrintOptions
- StaCaseState
- StackedPlot: Sequential 2D Stacked plot Creation Object.
- StaDocCollection: Analysis Results Collection.
- StaDocControl
- StaDocuments: Documents Collection.
- StaFileDocuments: A file based documents collection that can hold more documents that StaDocuments.
- StaFont
- StatisticaAddIn: Statistica Add-In.
- StatisticaAddIn2
- StatisticaAddIn3
- StatisticaOption: Statistica Option Object.
- StatLib: Statistical Function Library.
- StatsGraphsCategories: Stats Graphs Categories.
- StatsGraphsCategory: Stats graphs category options object.
- StatsGraphsOptions: Stats graphs options object.
- STBObject: Statistica Basic Library Object.
- SVBDataMonitorLabelCriteria
- SVBDataMonitorLabelCriterion
- SVBDataMonitorRunContext
- SVBMonitorReturnCode
- SVBMonitorReturnCodes
- SVBMonitorRunContext
- TernaryPlot: Ternary plot Creation Object.
- TextValuesManager: TextValuesManager Interface. Used by _Spreadsheet to associate numerical values with text cells, overriding _Spreadsheet's default method of handling this.
- VarBundleItem: Variable Bundle Item.
- VarBundles: Variable Bundle.
- VariabilityPlot: 2D Box plot Creation Object.
- Window
- Windows: Windows Collection.
- Workbook
- WorkbookItem: Workbook Item Object.
- WorkbookOption: Workbook Option.
- XYZPlot3D: 3D XYZ Plot Creation Object.
- : Specifies which analysis.
- : Specifies the placement of results.
- : Specifies how to continue with analysis.
- : Specifies the layout of multiple windows in the Statistica workspace.
- BackgroundRender
- BackgroundType
- BagPlotWhiskerType
- BarPosition: Identifies the position of a toolbar or menubar.
- BarType: Identifies the type of toolbar or menubar.
- BlockStatsType: Specifies the types of Block Statistics to calculate.
- BorderPart: Specifies the portion of the cell border affected by this operation.
- BoxJitterOption
- BoxPlotMode
- CaseLabelType
- CaseNamesTransfer: Specifies how to transfer case names with the case names manager.
- CaseStatesOrNamesForMultiPlotsType
- CaseWeightSource: Specifies the source of the case weights used in the analysis.
- CatUniqueSortOrder
- CommandDisplayMode: Specifies how to display menu and toolbar items.
- CommandIdentifier: Defines Statistica Command ids of menu items and toolbar buttons.
- ComputeParameterIndex
- ConvertLocaleOpt
- DBTCursorLocation
- DBTCursorType
- DBTLockType
- DMReportNodeRouting
- DataChangeType: Specifies type of data change notification being received.
- DatabaseType
- DateOperationDateMethod
- DateOperationTransformMode
- DateOperationUsageMode
- DocumentType: Specifies the type of Statistica document.
- EllipseOption
- ExcelAnalyisVariableType
- ExecuteQueriesOptions
- ExtrapolatingDataOption
- FileFormat: Defines the file format to use for import/export.
- FitExpressionOption
- FormatParts: Specifies the format part.
- FormattedTextCharOffset
- Function2DType
- Function3DType
- GetDataOptions: GetData2 option flags.
- GetVDataType: Specifies the type of Spreadsheet variable info returned by GetVData().
- GraphDisplayFitExpressionOpt
- GraphMappingMode
- GridLinePattern: Specifies the line pattern of the grid.
- HistogramYAxisOption
- HorizontalAlignment: Specifies the horizontal alignment of text.
- IDPUpdateMode
- IconsPlotStyle
- ImportRecodeType
- ImportType
- InPlaceDBDetermineNbCasesMode
- InitialDataUpdateType
- InputDescriptorCloneType
- InputDescriptorCodeType
- Language
- LegendSymbolWidth
- Line2DPlotStyle
- Line2DPlotStyleOld
- LinePattern: Specifies type of line pattern.
- LogLevelSpecial
- LogOption
- MDRecodeAction
- MSWordOutputPlacement
- MacroType
- MatrixFunctions: Enum for unary functions that are applied to matrix.
- MatrixPlotStyle
- MeanBoxValueType
- MeanWhiskerValueType
- MeasurementType
- MedianBoxValueType
- MedianWhiskerValueType
- MenuAnimationStyle: Specifies how menus are to be animated.
- MenuBarType: Identifies the type of MenuBar.
- MethodOfSubSampling
- MidPoint
- MidPointStyle
- ModeRange
- ModifyMode
- MultiPlot
- Orientation: Specifies the horizontal/vertical orientation of text.
- Outlier
- OutlierMarkType
- OutlierRecodeType
- OutlierTestType
- PDFOrientation: Defines the PDF orientation.
- ParagraphAlignment: Specifies the Paragraph alignment.
- ParagraphBulletStyle: Specifies the Paragraph bullet style.
- ParagraphSpacing: Specifies the Paragraph spacing.
- ParameterIndex
- PercentilesType
- PieDimension
- PieLegendStyle
- PiePlotMode
- PieStyle
- PlotAreaPattern
- PlotCoordinate
- PlotGradientOption: Option how to display plot areas gradient.
- PlotLinePattern
- PlotMarkerType
- PlotOrientation
- PolynomialOrderType
- Position
- PositionOfTitle
- PrintFooterPlacement
- PrintHeaderPlacement
- PrintObjectOrientation
- ProjectOptions
- QueryColumnNamePlacement
- QueryDataDecreasedAction
- QueryDataIncreasedAction
- RTFImportType
- RandomSamplingType: Defines the type of Random Sampling to perform.
- Range3DStyle
- RankAssignment: Defines which value to assign a rank of 1.
- RankTieResolution: Defines what to do for ranks that tie.
- RankType: Defines what type of ranking to perform.
- RecodeToIntegerValuesOptions
- ReconnectSameWorkbookOptions: Option how to reconnect to Spreadsheet in same Workbook.
- RefLinePos
- RegExOptions
- RegExSyntaxOption
- RegressionBandOption
- ReportAddType
- ReportConstants
- ReportExportHTMLImageType
- ReportFormat
- ReportObjectPrintMode
- ReportOutputPlacement
- ReportPrintSpreadsheetType
- ScaleAxis
- ScaleType
- ScriptingAccessType
- ScriptingType
- SelectionConditionSource: Specifies the source of the selection conditions.
- SelectionConditionType1: Specifies the Spreadsheet selection condition type.
- SizeUnits
- SortOption
- SortPerformanceWarningOption
- SpreadSheetTransformOption
- SpreadSheetTransformOptionII
- SpreadsheetAutoUpdateMethod
- SpreadsheetDisplayType: Specifies what to display in the Spreadsheet.
- SpreadsheetEnterBehavior: Specifies the behavior of the Enter key while editing Spreadsheets.
- SpreadsheetFindType: Specifies how to perform the Spreadsheet search operation.
- SpreadsheetLockType
- SpreadsheetRangeType: Specifies the type of Spreadsheet range object.
- SpreadsheetRecodeOtherType: Specifies how to Recode values that do not match other recode conditions.
- SpreadsheetSortOrder: Specifies the Spreadsheet sort order.
- SpreadsheetSortType: Specifies the Spreadsheet sort type.
- SpreadsheetTabBehavior: Specifies the behavior of the Tab key while editing Spreadsheets.
- SpreadsheetType1: Specifies the type of merge being performed.
- SpreadsheetType2: Specifies what to do with unmatched cases during a merge.
- SpreadsheetType3: Specifies how to compare keys during merge.
- SpreadsheetType4: Specifies how to resolve numeric/text conflicts during merge.
- SpreadsheetType5: Specifies how to compare keys during merge.
- SpreadsheetVerifyConditions: Specifies how to use verify selection conditions.
- SpreadsheetVerifyShow: Specifies how to show invalid verified cases.
- StaSharePointStatus
- StartupDocument: Specifies the startup document.
- StructureChangeType: Specifies the type of Structure Changed notification being received.
- SupplementaryInfoLevel
- SurfaceTestType
- TGTypeBagWhisker
- TVMResult
- TernaryRange
- TextEncoding: Specifies the ExportTextEnh encoding.
- TextImportQualifier
- TextOperation
- TypeBoundaryDef
- TypeOf3DRawDataPlot
- TypeOf3DScatterPlot
- TypeOf3DSequentialPlot
- TypeOf3DXYZFit
- TypeOfBarColumnPlot
- TypeOfBoxPlot
- TypeOfCaseProfilePlot
- TypeOfCategory
- TypeOfDistribution
- TypeOfFit
- TypeOfGraphAutoUpdate
- TypeOfHistogram
- TypeOfHistogramFit
- TypeOfHistogramShowing
- TypeOfIcon
- TypeOfImageSize
- TypeOfImageUpdate
- TypeOfImageUsage
- TypeOfLastFactorsIdentify
- TypeOfLinePlot
- TypeOfMatrix
- TypeOfMatrixDisplay
- TypeOfMissingDataAndRangePlot
- TypeOfPCGrouping
- TypeOfPCPlotDefinition
- TypeOfPCPlotNormalize
- TypeOfPiePlot
- TypeOfRangePlot
- TypeOfScatterPlot
- TypeOfSequentialStackedPlot
- TypeOfSubset
- TypeOfTernary
- TypeOfTernaryFit
- TypeOfVariabilityPlot
- TypeProbabilityPlot
- VariabilityPlotFactorOptions: Option how to display Variability plot factor names.
- VariableType: Specifies the Spreadsheet variable type.
- VerticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment
- WhenGraphDataChangeAction
- WindowState: Specifies the state of the window.
- WorkbookAddType
- WorkbookExportHTMLImageType
- WorkbookExtractOptions: Specifies how to extract items from the Workbook.
- WorkbookHTMLExportType
- WorkbookImageType: Specifies the type of Workbook image.
- WorkbookInsertOption: Specifies how to insert items into the Workbook.
- WorkbookItemType: Specifies the type of Workbook item.
- WorkbookLockUILevel
- WorkbookPlacement: Specifies where to place the new item in the Workbook relative to current items.
- WorkbookSelectionMode: Specifies the type of selection in the Workbook.
- XYZContourStyle
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