
This function creates and runs a Monitor.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Function MonitorService.RunMonitor_New( _
    Monitor As Variant, _
    RunOption As MonitorRunOption) As MonitorRunStatus
  • Monitor [in]

The ID of the analysis configuration.

Type: Variant

  • RunOption [in]

Options for how to run the analysis configuration.

Type: MonitorRunOption



The following options are can be passed to this function. Note that the first argument should be passed in as a string. For example:

monRunOpt.Add("RunQuiet", True)
Function Description
AllowSaveIQCSpec Allows the IQC specs to be saved into the Enterprise database. The value for the second parameter is a boolean value. If True is used, the specs will be saved in the Enterprise database. If False, they will not be saved.
CriteriaSourceFile Allows the monitor to use criteria stored in an .ini file. The value for the second parameter is the file path to the .ini file.
DataOnly Extracts only the data from the monitor. No IQC projects or SVB programs are executed. The value for the second parameter is a boolean value. If True is used, only the data will be extracted when the monitor is executed.
Debug Allows information to be written to the log file. The second parameter for this option is a boolean value.
DisableAutoTransfer Disables the automatic updating ability of a monitor. The value for this option is a boolean value. If true, the DisableAutoTranser option is applied.
DisablePeriodicAutoTransfer Disables the periodic automatic updating. The Update button must be pressed before the updating would occur. The value for this property is a boolean value. If true, the DisablePeriodicAutoTransfer option is applied.
Force_Display_SQLCriteria_Dialog_If_Required_Fields_Need_Values if a required field needs a value (filtering), then the SQL Criteria dialog will be displayed. The second parameter for this option is a boolean value.
ForceRunNewDataMacro Forces the SVB code associated with automatic update to be executed, even if automatic updating is disabled. The second parameter for this option is a boolean value.
MaxCrosstabColumn Sets the maximum crosstab columns that can be created. The value for the second parameter is the maximum crosstab columns.
MaxIQCProject Sets the maximum number IQC projects for the monitor. The value for the second parameter is the maximum IQC projects.
MaxSample Sets the maximum samples for an IQC monitor. The value for the second parameter is the maximum samples to be used.
RunQuiet Executes the monitor without requiring user intervention. The value for this property is a boolean value. If true, the RunQuiet option is applied.
RunSVBVisibly Allows the user to specify whether or not SVB programs are visible when executed. The second parameter is a boolean value. If True is specified, then the SVB will be executed in visible mode. If False, the SVB will not be visible.
SetName Allows a set name to be specified. The second parameter is a string value representing the set name to be used.
TargetSpreadsheetFileName Override the spreadsheet file name by specifying a new file name or disable the saving of the spreadsheet by specifying "NoFile". The value for the second parameter is a string: either the file name to be used or "NoFile" to disable the saving of the spreadsheet.

SVB Example

Running an SVB analysis configuration:

Sub Main

    Dim oOM As New ObjectManager

    'Find the SVB analysis configuration
    Dim mon As Monitor
    Set mon = oOM.Monitors.Item("/Blake's Materials/Weights Descriptives")

    'Create a service to run analysis configurations
    Dim monSrvCreator As New MonitorServiceCreator
    Dim monSrv As MonitorService
    Set monSrv = monSrvCreator.CurrentServiceEx(Application)

    'Set the parameters for how to run the analysis configuration
    Dim monRunOpt As New MonitorRunOption
    monRunOpt.Add "RunQuiet", True
    monRunOpt.Add "DisplayInPanel", False
    monRunOpt.Add "DisableAutoTransfer", True
    monRunOpt.Add "TargetSpreadsheetFileName", "NoFile"
    monRunOpt.Add "CheckMonitorRunEntryExist", False
    monRunOpt.Add "Force_Display_SQLCriteria_Dialog_If_Required_Fields_Need_Values", True

    'Run it
    Dim monRunStatus As MonitorRunStatus
    Set monRunStatus = monSrv.RunMonitor_New(mon.ID, monRunOpt)



End Sub