QuaCausesAndActionsSetup Members

These members are related to Setup for causes, actions, comments, and sample inclusion/exclusion variable and codes (brushing setup).


Name Description
None NA


Name Description
CodeExcludeSampleFromChartsAndComputations Code for samples to be excluded from computations and charts. Return/assignment value: String.
CodeExcludeSampleFromComputations Code for samples to be excluded from computations (but included in charts). Return/assignment value: String.
VariableContainingComments Variable containing comments for labeling individual samples (text, codes). Return/assignment value: String.
VariableContainingSampleInclusionCodes Variable containing codes that determine whether sample is included/excluded from computations and charts. Return/assignment value: String.
VariablesContainingCausesAndActions Variables containing causes and actions (text, codes). Return/assignment value: String.