
This function returns three arrays of numeric values, corresponding text labels, and text label descriptions for the specified variable.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Sub Spreadsheet.VariableTextLabels( _
    VarNo As Integer, _
    ByRef Values As Double(), _
    ByRef Labels As String(), _
    ByRef Descriptions As String())
  • VarNo [in]

The variable.

Type: Variant

  • Values [out]

Array of doubles used to store the returned text label numeric values.

Type: Double()

  • Labels [out]

Array of strings used to store the returned text label text values.

Type: String()

  • Descriptions [out]

Array of Strings used to store the returned text label descriptions.

Type: String()

This function does not return a value.

SVB Example

Retrieving text label information:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    'this example was written using the example data file heart.sta
    Dim spr As Spreadsheet
    'assigns the active spreadsheet to the object spr
    Set spr = ActiveSpreadsheet
    Dim values() As Double
    Dim labels() As String
    Dim descriptions() As String
    'place the text label values, labels, and descriptions into their
    'respective arrays.
    'display the first text label parameters as returned above.
    MsgBox "Value = " + Str(values(1)) & vbCrLf & "Label = " + labels(1) + vbCrLf _
            & "Description = " & descriptions(1),vbOkOnly,"Variable Text Label"
End Sub