This function returns three arrays of numeric values, corresponding text labels, and text label descriptions for the specified variable.
SVB Example
Retrieving text label information:
Option Base 1 Option Explicit Sub Main 'this example was written using the example data file heart.sta Dim spr As Spreadsheet 'assigns the active spreadsheet to the object spr Set spr = ActiveSpreadsheet Dim values() As Double Dim labels() As String Dim descriptions() As String 'place the text label values, labels, and descriptions into their 'respective arrays. spr.VariableTextLabels(1,values(),labels(),descriptions()) 'display the first text label parameters as returned above. MsgBox "Value = " + Str(values(1)) & vbCrLf & "Label = " + labels(1) + vbCrLf _ & "Description = " & descriptions(1),vbOkOnly,"Variable Text Label" End Sub
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