
This property returns/sets the System Folder path for this Standard Profile.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
- - String

SVB Example

Data Entry Example 5: Adding a Quality Control analysis configuration:

Sub Main

    Dim oOM As ObjectManager

    'Reconnect into Enterprise ObjectManager
    Set oOM = New ObjectManager
    oOM.Reconnect Application

    'Get the bread measurement data entry setup
    Dim breadDESetup As StandardProfile
    Set breadDESetup = oOM.Profiles.Item("/Blake's Materials/Bread Measurements")

    'Create an IQC analysis configuration, connected to our data entry setup
    Dim IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo As New MonitorCreateInfo
    IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo.AuditLogReason = "Adding an IQC Analysis"
    IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo.Name = "Bread Charts"
    'We will add this new analysis configuration into the same folder as the DE Setup,
    'set it as an IQC configuration, then set it to our DE Setup
    IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo.Folder = oOM.FindFolder(breadDESetup.Path)
    IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo.MonitorType = swcIQCMonitor
    IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo.Profile = breadDESetup

    Dim IQCAnalysisConfig As Monitor
    Set IQCAnalysisConfig = oOM.Monitors.AddEx(IQCAnalysisConfigCreateInfo)
    IQCAnalysisConfig.AutoSave = False

    'Add a custom header to our QC chart.
    'The syntax in this string expands to the following at runtime:
    '&[CHARNAME]: the name of the chart.
    '&[DATE]: the current date.
    '&[TIME]: the current time.
    IQCAnalysisConfig.Option.IncludeIQCChartHeader = True
    IQCAnalysisConfig.Option.IQCChartHeader = "&[CHARNAME]: (Processed on &[DATE] at &[TIME])"

    'Add a calculated variable to the SPC characteristics.
    'Here, we are adding a column that shows a warning message for any
    'records where the grain level is higher than 15. Given there would be
    'around 10-12 cups of ingredients altogether in a mixture, then such a
    'high grain-level measurement would indicate a data entry error.
    IQCAnalysisConfig.AdditionalVariables.Add("SANITY_CHECK", _
        "=iif(('Grain Level' > 15), 'EXTREME VALUE - REVIEW DATA ENTRY!', '')")

    'Here we will edit the QC settings for "grain level".
    'First, we access the QC properties with IQCOptionsByCharID (passing in the ID of the characteristic ["Grain Level"]).
    Dim qcProps As Properties
    Set qcProps = IQCAnalysisConfig.IQCOptionsByCharID(oOM.Characteristics("/Blake's Materials/Grain Level").ID)
    'Then we can add or edit the QC properties there, by passing in the property's name and the value to set it to.
    'The first property to set is to check for out-of-control samples.
    qcProps.Add("ChartOptAlarmOutOfControl", 1)
    'If there are any out-of-control samples, then we will prompt for a cause and action.
    'Here, our cause and action labels connected to the characteristic ("grain level") will be
    'shown to the user to choose from.
    qcProps.Add("ChartOptAlarmOutOfControlCause", 1)
    qcProps.Add("ChartOptAlarmOutOfControlAction", 1)
    'Finally, we will only prompt for out-of-control samples that don't already have causes assigned to them.
    qcProps.Add("ChartOptAlarmCheckAllSamples", 2)

    'Set permissions
    IQCAnalysisConfig.AccessControlList.AddGroup("Administrators", True)
    IQCAnalysisConfig.AccessControlList.AddGroup("Everyone", False)

    Dim configUpateInfo As New MonitorUpdateInfo
    configUpateInfo.AuditLogReason = "Setting permissions for the IQC analysis"


End Sub