CommandBarOptions Members

These members control various options dealing with Command Bars.


Name Description
AddUserImage Adds one or more user images and returns the index of the first one added. User images are 16x16 or a multiple thereof for several images in one file. Return value: Integer.
ConnectHandler Connects the passed in Handler to the CommandBarItem. The CommandID is passed to the Handler when the command is executed.
DestroyHandlers Permanently removes all command handlers associated with Handler.


Name Description
Animation Returns/sets whether the menus will display animation. Return/assignment value: MenuAnimationStyle.
Application Returns the application associated with the command bars collection. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
CommandBars Returns a specific CommandBars collection. Return value: CommandBars. This property is read only.
DisplayTooltip Returns/sets whether the command bar will display tooltips. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ImageIndex Gets the image index of a Statistica menu item or toolbar button, -1 if item has no image. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
LargeButton Returns/sets whether the command bar will display large buttons. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Parent Returns the application associated with the command bars collection. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
UserImage Saves a user image to a temporary file. Pass -1 index to get all user images. Return value: String. This property is read only.
UserImageCount Gets the count of user toolbar/button images. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.