CommandBarOptions Members
These members control various options dealing with Command Bars.
Name | Description |
AddUserImage | Adds one or more user images and returns the index of the first one added. User images are 16x16 or a multiple thereof for several images in one file. Return value: Integer. |
ConnectHandler | Connects the passed in Handler to the CommandBarItem. The CommandID is passed to the Handler when the command is executed. |
DestroyHandlers | Permanently removes all command handlers associated with Handler. |
Name | Description |
Animation | Returns/sets whether the menus will display animation. Return/assignment value: MenuAnimationStyle. |
Application | Returns the application associated with the command bars collection. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
CommandBars | Returns a specific CommandBars collection. Return value: CommandBars. This property is read only. |
DisplayTooltip | Returns/sets whether the command bar will display tooltips. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ImageIndex | Gets the image index of a Statistica menu item or toolbar button, -1 if item has no image. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
LargeButton | Returns/sets whether the command bar will display large buttons. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Parent | Returns the application associated with the command bars collection. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
UserImage | Saves a user image to a temporary file. Pass -1 index to get all user images. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
UserImageCount | Gets the count of user toolbar/button images. Return value: Integer. This property is read only. |
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