Layout3DHistograms Members
3D Histogram Presentation.
Name | Description |
ActivateStyle | Makes object fully controlled by style, clears any customization. |
CopyToStyle | Copies options to the specified style. |
DefaultStyle | Sets default style, preserving customization. |
IsCustomized | Returns whether the object has been customized (it's not fully controlled by the style). Return value: Boolean. |
PlotExist | Return value: Boolean. |
Name | Description |
Application | Returns the application. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
Attribute | Return value: Layout3DAttributes. This property is read only. |
Axes | Return value: Axes3D. This property is read only. |
AxisProportion | Return/assignment value: AxisProportion. |
AxisProportionX | Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportionY | Return/assignment value: Double. |
AxisProportionZ | Return/assignment value: Double. |
ContourPlotType | Return/assignment value: ContourType. |
Enable3DText | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Fit | Return value: Fit3D. This property is read only. |
GraphDocument | Returns the document of the graph. Return value: Graph. This property is read only. |
LegendSurfaceContour | Return/assignment value: SurfaceLegendType. |
LegendSurfaceContourIntervals | Return/assignment value: Long. |
MarkersOpacity | Return/assignment value: Double. |
Name | Returns the name of the layout. Return value: String. This property is read only. |
Parent | Returns the parent of the layout. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
ParentGraph | Return value: GraphObject. This property is read only. |
Plot | Returns the plot of the layout. Return value: Plot3DHistogram. This property is read only. |
PlotAreasOpacity | Return/assignment value: Double. |
PlotType | Returns the type of plot. Return/assignment value: Plot3DHistogramType. |
PointOfView | Returns the point of view of the graph. Return value: PointOfView. This property is read only. |
Style | Returns the style of the layout. Return/assignment value: LayoutStyle. |
SurfaceContourDisplay | Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
SurfaceContourDistance | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
SurfaceXCuts | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
SurfaceYCuts | Return/assignment value: Integer. |
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