ADONETDatabaseConnections Members

These members are collection of external database connections.


Name Description
Add Adds a new ADO.NET connection. Return value: ADONETDatabaseConnection.
AddEx Adds a new ADO.NET connection (with audit log explanation). Return value: ADONETDatabaseConnection.
CheckPrompt Return value: Boolean.
Refresh -
Remove Remove (deletes) the specified ADO.NET database connection; Index can either be 1-based index or external database connection name.
RemoveEx Remove (deletes) the specified external database connection; Index can either be 1-based index or external database connection name (with audit log explanation).


Name Description
Count Returns the number of ADO.NET database connections in this collection. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
Item Returns the specified ADONETDatabaseConnection; Index can either be 1-based index, or the external database connection name. Return value: ADONETDatabaseConnection. This property is read only.
ItemByID Return value: ADONETDatabaseConnection. This property is read only.