XYZPlot3D Members

These members are reated to 3D XYZ Plot Creation Object.


Name Description
None NA


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
CategoryOne Returns the value of the first categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only.
CategoryTwo Returns the value of the second categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only.
ContourStyle Returns/sets the contour style (line, area). Return/assignment value: XYZContourStyle.
DataMax Returns/sets the Z variable overlaid contour plot custom data max value. Return/assignment value: Double.
DataMin Returns/sets the Z variable overlaid contour plot custom data min value. Return/assignment value: Double.
DeviationLevel Returns/sets the deviation level. Return/assignment value: Double.
DisplayImagePlot Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayMultiple_r_z_xy_p Returns/sets whether to display multiple r(z/xy),p statistics in the graph. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DocumentStyle Returns/sets the document style (size) of the graph (normal, printer page, landscape, landscape printer, A4 (document, printer, landscape, landscape printer), slide. Return/assignment value: String.
EnableMultipleSubsets Returns/sets whether the multiple subsets option is on. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FitType Returns/sets the fit type to be plotted (linear, quadratic, distance weighted LS, negative exponential weighted LS). Return/assignment value: TypeOf3DXYZFit.
GraphStyle Returns/sets the graph style of the graph. Return/assignment value: String.
GraphType Returns/sets the graph type to be plotted (scatterplot, space plot, spectral plot, deviation plot, surface, contour lines, contour areas). Return/assignment value: TypeOf3DScatterPlot.
Graphs Creates a graph. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ImageFileName Return/assignment value: String.
ImageHorizontalSize Return/assignment value: Integer.
ImageSizeOption Return/assignment value: TypeOfImageSize.
ImageTransparentBackground Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ImageUpdate Return/assignment value: TypeOfImageUpdate.
ImageUsage Return/assignment value: TypeOfImageUsage.
ImageVerticalSize Return/assignment value: Integer.
MultipleSubsets Returns/sets the multiple subsets as a string. Return/assignment value: String.
MultipleSubsetsSize Returns/sets the multiple subsets size. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
MultipleSubsetsType Returns/sets the multiple subsets type (exclude cases, exclude expression, include cases, include expressions. Return/assignment value: TypeOfSubset.
Name Returns/sets the name of the graph plot creation. Return value: String. This property is read only.
NumberOfPlane Returns/sets the number of planes. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Options Returns the statistical graph options of the graph. Return value: StatsGraphsOptions. This property is read only.
OverlaidCat Returns/sets whether the categorized graph is overlaidOverlaidCat. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
OverlaidContour Returns/sets the overlaid contour plot. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Parent Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
SelectionCondition Returns the selection conditions of the graph. Return value: SelectionCondition. This property is read only.
ShowPointWithImage Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ShowRawDataPoints Returns/sets whether to show raw data points. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
TestType Returns/sets the Z variable overlaid contour plot surface test type. Return/assignment value: SurfaceTestType.
Variables Returns/sets the variables for analysis. Return/assignment value: String.