ObjectManagerUG Members

ObjectManager is the main object to the Enterprise database, and is the only object that is CoCreatable; all other Enterprise database objects are instantiated from this interface.


Name Description
Connect Specify the Enterprise database connection information.
Disconnect Disconnect the Object Manager from the Enterprise database; all derived objects become invalid.
Reconnect Reconnect into Enterprise using the SPCServer pointer; this can be retrieved from Statistica as Application.ParmEx2(2039).
Refresh Requery the Enterprise database for most up-to-date information.


Name Description
Groups Returns the collection of all Groups in the Enterprise database. Return value: Groups. This property is read only.
Option Returns Enterprise options. Assignment value: Variant.
Param Returns/sets name/value parameter pairs. Return/assignment value: Variant.
PermissionInfos Return value: PermissionInfos. This property is read only.
Users Returns the collection of all Users in the Enterprise database. Return value: Users. This property is read only.