
This property is read only.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
ReadOnly Property SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory( _
    Hwnd As Integer, _
    DocumentID As String) As DocumentHistory
  • Hwnd [in]

The handle of the Statistica application.

Type: Integer

  • DocumentID [in]

The ID of the item to retrieve.

Type: String


SVB Example

Creating a documents version report for a folder:

Sub Main

    Dim oOM As ObjectManager

    'Reconnect into Enterprise
    Set oOM = New ObjectManager
    oOM.Reconnect Application

    'The folder whose content will be reviewed
    Dim MyFolder As SPCFolder
    Set MyFolder = oOM.FindFolder("/Blake's Materials")

    'Retrieve the folder's content.
    'Specifically, we are gathering the items that support SDMS versioning.
    'Note that the items we are retrieve here are from the root of the specified
    'folder; it will not recursively retrieve files from subfolders. This could be
    'achieved by running this process on each subfolder; however, for the sake of
    'brevity, we will just concentrate on the contents of one folder in this example.
    Dim MyContent
    Set MyContent = MyFolder.List(swcBinaryDocument Or swcMonitor Or swcProfile Or swcStandardProfileSequence)

    Dim docHist As DocumentHistory
    Dim deSetupInfo As String, deSetupSeqInfo As String, externalDataConfigInfo As String, _
        svbDataConfigInfo As String, analysisConfigInfo As String, outputReportInfo As String, docInfo As String
    Dim sdmsDocId As String
    'Iterate through the different file types from the folder.
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    For i = LBound(MyContent) To UBound(MyContent)
        '"StandardProfile" is a data entry setup.
        If TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "StandardProfile" Then
            'Note that we access the document from SDMS by passing in the SDMS document ID. For a data entry setup,
            'we get this ID from the "Profile" documents.
            'After we acquire the SDMS document ID, we pass that into "DocumentHistory" to retrieve the item's document history.
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.ProfileDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                deSetupInfo = deSetupInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    deSetupInfo = deSetupInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbTab & docHist(j).User & vbTab & docHist(j).Date & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"StandardProfileSequence" is a data entry sequence.
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "StandardProfileSequence" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.StandardProfileSequenceDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                deSetupSeqInfo = deSetupSeqInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    deSetupSeqInfo = deSetupSeqInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"ExternalProfile" is an external data configuration.
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "ExternalProfile" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.ProfileDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                externalDataConfigInfo = externalDataConfigInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    externalDataConfigInfo = externalDataConfigInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"SVBProfile" is an SVB analysis configuration.
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "SVBProfile" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.ProfileDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                svbDataConfigInfo = svbDataConfigInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    svbDataConfigInfo = svbDataConfigInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"Monitor" is an analysis configuration.
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "Monitor" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.MonitorDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                analysisConfigInfo = analysisConfigInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    analysisConfigInfo = analysisConfigInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"OutputMonitor" is a report.
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "OutputMonitor" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.MonitorDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                outputReportInfo = outputReportInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    outputReportInfo = outputReportInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        '"BinaryDocument" is a document (e.g., SVB macro, Word file, etc.).
        ElseIf TypeName(MyContent(i)) = "BinaryDocument" Then
            sdmsDocId = oOM.SDMSHelper.BinaryDocumentSDMSDocumentID(Application.Handle, MyContent(i).ID)
            If Len(sdmsDocId) Then
                Set docHist = oOM.SDMSHelper.DocumentHistory(Application.Handle, sdmsDocId)
                docInfo = docInfo & vbCrLf & MyContent(i).FullPath & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf
                For j = 1 To docHist.Count
                    docInfo = docInfo & docHist(j).Version & vbTab & docHist(j).Description & vbCrLf
            End If
        End If


    'Create a report
    Dim docVersionsRpt As New Report
    docVersionsRpt.SelectionText = "DATA ENTRY SETUPS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & deSetupInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "DATA ENTRY SEQUENCES" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & deSetupSeqInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "EXTERNAL DATA CONFIGURATIONS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & externalDataConfigInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "SVB DATA CONFIGURATIONS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & svbDataConfigInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "ANALYSIS CONFIGURATIONS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & analysisConfigInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "OUTPUT REPORTS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & outputReportInfo & vbCrLf & _
        "DOCUMENTS" & vbCrLf & "***************************************" & vbCrLf & docInfo
    docVersionsRpt.Visible = True


End Sub