Dictionary Members
These members are related to Statistica Dictionary Class.
Name | Description |
AddFrom | Add all entries in the given dictionary to this, modifying this. Values for duplicate keys will also be modified. |
Get | Lookup the item associated with a key or a default. Return value: Variant. |
Load | Initialize dictionary with several key, item pairs from XML. |
Remove | Removes a specified key. |
RemoveAll | Removes all key, item pairs. |
RemoveAt | Removes a specified key. |
Set | Stores a key and item pair. |
Write | Serialize all dictionary key, item pairs into a XML string. Return value: String. |
Name | Description |
Count | Count key, item pairs. Return value: Long. This property is read only. |
Exists | Checks if a specified key exists. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only. |
Item | Lookup/Set the item associated with a key. Return/assignment value: Variant. |
ItemAt | Lookup the item at a specified index. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
Items | Returns a collection of all items. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
ItemsFromPrefix | Returns a collection of all items whose keys match the specified prefix. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
ItemsFromSuffix | Returns a collection of all items whose keys match the specified suffix. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
Key | Rename an existing key to a new name. Assignment value: Variant. |
KeyAt | Lookup the key at a specified index. Return value: Variant. This property is read only |
Keys | Returns a collection of all keys. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
KeysFromPrefix | Returns a collection of all keys which match the specified prefix. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
KeysFromSuffix | Returns a collection of all keys which match the specified suffix. Return value: Variant. This property is read only. |
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