StaCaseState Members


Name Description
Disconnect Disconnect from the parent spreadsheet so that changes to this object are not reflected in the Spreadsheet.


Name Description
Color Get/Set the plot marker color. Return/assignment value: Long.
Excluded Get/Set the excluded flag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Hidden Get/Set the hidden flag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Label Get/Set the label flag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Marked Get/Set the marked flag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Marker Get/Set the plot marker. Return/assignment value: PlotMarkerType.
Off Get/Set the off flag. Off combines both hidden and excluded. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Selected Get/Set the selected flag. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Value Get/Set the case states as a single integer value. Return/assignment value: Long.