AnalysisOption Members
These members are objects related to AnalysisOption settings.
Name | Description |
AnalysesUseSpreadsheetSelCond | Returns/sets whether new analyses use spreadsheet level selection conditions. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
AnalysisMaxMemory | Returns/sets maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) each analysis can use. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
AnimateDialog | Returns/sets whether analysis dialogs are animated when they are minimized/maximized. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
Application | Returns the application associated with the analysis option. Return value: Application. This property is read only. |
AutoMinimize | Returns/sets whether analysis dialogs are modal or modeless. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
AutoSample | Returns/sets whether to apply automatic sampling for Data Mining algorithms (non-incremental learners). Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
AutoSampleThreshold | Returns/sets the threshold, in MB, above which automatic sampling for Data Mining algorithms (non-incremental learners) is used. Return/assignment value: Long. |
AutoVariableClassification | Get or set the way Statistica automatically classifies variables. Return/assignment value: AutoVariableClassificationType. |
AutoVariableClassificationMaxCases | Returns/sets the number of cases Statistica scans to classify variables. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
BringOnTopOnSelect | Returns/sets whether output spreadsheets are activated when their analysis dialog is maximized. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ByGroupMaxNbGroups | Max number of groups to allow in By Group Analysis. Return/assignment value: Long. |
DataSizeThreshold | Returns/sets data size threshold before avoiding attaching raw data to the graph. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
DisplayProgressBar | Returns/sets whether to display a progress bar for long running calculations in analyses. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DisplaySelectionConditions | Returns/sets whether selection conditions are displayed in the header of an output analysis spreadsheet. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
DuplicateAnalysisWithoutPrompt | Duplicate analysis of same kind without asking if that is what you intend. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
ExpandHistogramBinning | Expand Histogram binning beyond min/max data values. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GraphAnalysisAutoClose | Automatically close Graph analysis after a graph is produced. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
GraphDisplayFitExpression | Graph display fit expressions options. Return/assignment value: GraphDisplayFitExpressionOpt. |
GraphsUseSpreadsheetSelCond | Returns/sets whether new graph analyses use spreadsheet level selection conditions. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
HideOnDeselect | Returns/sets whether output spreadsheets are minimized when their analysis dialog is minimized. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
HideSummaryBox | Returns/sets whether analysis summary windows are displayed. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
LargeDataThreshold | Large data threshold. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
LargeDataWarning | Display warning when graph data exceeds size threshold. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
MarkerPointReductionThresholdAggressive | Threshold for aggressive marker point reduction. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
MarkerPointReductionThresholdFast | Threshold for fast marker point reduction. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
NumberOfCores | Returns/sets the number of cores; 0 means use default setting. Return/assignment value: Long. |
Parent | Returns the application or analysis associated with the analysis option. Return value: Object. This property is read only. |
ShowWarnings | Returns/sets whether analysis informational messages/warnings are displayed to user when running analysis from SVB. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
StronglyTypeAnDlgs | Returns/sets whether recorded macros will strongly type analysis dialog objects. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
WarnSASVariableNameConventions | Give warning when variable name does not meet SAS naming conventions. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
WarnSpreadsheetCloaked | Warn when Spreadsheet is cloaked when starting an Analysis. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
WarnVersion5Graph | Warn about version 5 Graphs. Return/assignment value: Boolean. |
WarningQueueLength | Returns/sets the how many analysis warnings should be saved. Return/assignment value: Integer. |
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