StaMultipartPoster Members


Name Description
AddFilePart Add the named file's content as a multipart part.
AddHeader Add a custom header to the HTTP request.
AddPart Add a multipart part. The arrays ContentDispNames/Values are name-value pairs that get appended to the Content-Disposition: of the part.
BeginGet Send the HTTP GET request asynchronously. Return value: IAsyncResult.
BeginPost Send the HTTP POST request asynchronously. Return value: IAsyncResult.
ClearHeaders Clear all custom headers.
EndGet Wait for async GET to complete and finalize the operation. Any errors that occurred during transmission are reported here. This must be called prior to retrieving any Response information.
EndPost Wait for async POST to complete and finalize the operation. Any errors that occurred during transmission are reported here. This must be called prior to retrieving any Response information.
Get Sends an HTTP GET request to the specified server and saves the response to the given file or IStream.
Post Send the HTTP POST request.
SetProxy Overrides the default IE internet options proxy settings.


Name Description
AllowUI Allow dialogs such as prompting for credentials or warnings about secure sites, etc. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Credentials Set the credentials for servers requiring authenticated access. Assignment value: String.
ProxyCredentials Set the credentials for proxy servers requiring authenticated access. Assignment value: String.
Response The server response. Return value: String. This property is read only.
ResponseHeaders The HTTP headers from the server's response. Return value: String. This property is read only.
StatusCode The HTTP status code returned by the server. Return value: Long. This property is read only.
Url Get or set the URL. Return/assignment value: String.