
This property returns/sets the description of the Standard Profile.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
- - String

SVB Example

Data Entry Example 12: Updating and Bumping an object's SDMS version number:

Sub Main

    'Note that this example assumes that SDMS integration is enabled.

    'Continuing our demotion of Blake from the previous example, we will
    'now remove any explicit permissions of his that are connected to this
    'DE setup. He may be an explicit user with edit permissions, so this
    'will remove him. He is still a member of the "Everyone" group and can
    'access this setup, but he will no longer be able to edit it.

    Dim oOM As ObjectManager
    'Reconnect into Enterprise
    Set oOM = New ObjectManager
    oOM.Reconnect Application

    'Retrieve our data entry setup
    Dim breadkMeasurements As StandardProfile
    Set breadkMeasurements = oOM.Profiles("/Blake's Materials/Bread Measurements")
    breadkMeasurements.AutoSave = False

    'Detail our information about the changes
    Dim deUpdate As New ProfileUpdateInfo
    deUpdate.AuditLogReason = "Update description. Remove Blake's permissions."
    'We will consider this a major change, so the version number will
    'be "bumped" to the next full version. For example, if the current version
    'is 3.1, then this will change it to 4.
    deUpdate.BumpDocumentVersion = True
    'This step is optional. We are setting our update info to store the DE setup's revision
    'number while we make changes to it. If, during the execution of this macro, another
    'user commits changes to this DE setup before we save it here, then an
    'error will be triggered here when SaveEx is called. When SaveEx is called, the revision number
    'in deUpdate is compared to what is currently in the Enterprise database. If the setup's current
    'revision number is different from what we started with here, then we will get an error.
    If oOM.SystemOptions.SDMSIntegration.Enabled = True Then
        deUpdate.CurrentRevision = oOM.SDMSHelper.CurrentDocumentRevision(Application.Handle, _
            oOM.SDMSHelper.ProfileDocumentID(Application.Handle, breadkMeasurements.ID) )
    End If

    'Go through the permissions in the DE setup and look for the user "Blake". If found,
    'then he will be removed.
    For i = 1 To breadkMeasurements.AccessControlList.Count
        Set permissionItem = breadkMeasurements.AccessControlList.Item(i)
        If permissionItem.IsUser And permissionItem.Name = "Blake" Then
            Exit For
        End If
    'Add a description to the DE setup while we are here.
    breadkMeasurements.Description = "Entry for ingredients measurements"

    'Commit our changes


End Sub