Function2DPlot Members

These members are related to 2D Function Plot Creation Object.


Name Description
None NA


Name Description
Application Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
CategoryOne Returns the value of the first categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only.
CategoryTwo Returns the value of the second categorical variable. Return value: StatsGraphsCategory. This property is read only.
DocumentStyle Returns/sets the document style (size) of the graph (normal, printer page, landscape, landscape printer, A4 (document, printer, landscape, landscape printer), slide. Return/assignment value: String.
FunctionG Returns/sets the G function to be plotted as a string. Return/assignment value: String.
FunctionType Returns/sets the function type (function, parametric curve). Return/assignment value: Function2DType.
FunctionY Returns/sets the Y function to be plotted as a string. Return/assignment value: String.
GraphStyle Returns/sets the graph style of the graph. Return/assignment value: String.
Graphs Creates a graph. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
MaximumRange Returns/sets the maximum range value. Return/assignment value: Double.
MinimumRange Returns/sets the minimum range value. Return/assignment value: Double.
Name Returns/sets the name of the graph plot creation. Return value: String. This property is read only.
Options Returns the statistical graph options of the graph. Return value: StatsGraphsOptions. This property is read only.
OverlaidCat Returns/sets whether the categorized graph is overlaidOverlaidCat. Return/assignment value: Boolean
Parent Returns the application associated with the graph plot creation. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
SelectionCondition Returns the selection conditions of the graph. Return value: SelectionCondition. This property is read only.