
Exports to image with extended information.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Function Graph.ExportEx( _
    Format As FileFormat, _
    ByRef Destination As Variant, _
    Optional DestType As ExportExDestination = scgExportExDestAuto, _
    Optional Width As Integer = 0, _
    Optional Height As Integer = 0, _
    Optional Level As ExportExDetailLevel = scgExportExDetailNone, _
    Optional XMLContextIn As Variant) As Variant
  • Format [in]

    Type: FileFormat

  • Destination [in, out]

    Type: Variant

  • DestType [in, optional]

    Type: ExportExDestination

    Default value: scgExportExDestAuto

  • Width [in, optional]

    Type: Integer

    Default value: 0

  • Height [in, optional]

    Type: Integer

    Default value: 0

  • Level [in, optional]

    Type: ExportExDetailLevel

    Default value: scgExportExDetailNone

  • XMLContextIn [in, optional]

    Type: Variant
