DMXImportExportOptions Enumeration
This enumeration specifies Import/Export options.
Enum DMXImportExportOptions
scDMIncludeCode = 1
scDMExportCode = 2
scDMExportResultsDocs = 4
scDMXExportSourceDocs = 8
scDMBinaryBlob = 16
scDMIncludeEnterpriseDependencies = 32
scDMIncludeSummaryReport = 64
End Enum
- scDMIncludeCode: Include all script code in the exported XML.
- scDMExportCode: Save script code in separate file(s) and include pathname in XML.
- scDMExportResultsDocs: Save results documents in separate file(s) and include pathname in XML.
- scDMXExportSourceDocs: Save datasource documents in separate file(s) and include pathname in XML.
- scDMBinaryBlob: Save as base 64 encoded binary blob in xml.
- scDMIncludeEnterpriseDependencies: Include lists of all Enterprise Objects this workspace depends on such as Rules and Data Configurations.
- scDMIncludeSummaryReport: Include summary report.
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