TextValuesManager Members

These members are related to TextValuesManager Interface. Used by _Spreadsheet to associate numerical values with text cells, overriding _Spreadsheet's default method of handling this.


Name Description
Add Add a label/value pair which is not associated with any particular spreadsheet.
ExportXML Export XML. Return value: String.
ImportXML Import XML.
Lookup Look up a label given a value. Return value: Boolean.
LookupOrCreate Lookup an existing value, or create new one if does not exist. Return value: Double.
Register Register a spreadsheet with the specified identifier.
Remove Remove all bookkeeping data for the given spreadsheet. The entries it made in the lookup tables will remain.
RemoveAll Remove all entries in the table.
RemoveItems Remove the specified items, or remove all except the specified items. valsOrLabels can be an array of labels, or values.
RemoveKey Remove a label/value pair.
ReverseLookup Look up a value given a label. Return value: Boolean.
SetVariableIncludeList Set the Variable include list and the variable's missing data codes - only these variables will be processed.


Name Description
ActiveSpreadsheetIdents Get a list of all spreadsheet identifiers registered with this object. Return value: Long(). This property is read only.
Count Get the count of entries in the table made by the given spreadsheet for either all variables or the given variable. Return value: Long. This property is read only.
CountAll Get the count of entries in the table. Return value: Long. This property is read only.
Exists Tell whether or not this entry exists. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
IsTrackingVar Tell if is tracking the specified variable number. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Keys Get all string keys. Return value: String(). This property is read only.
MaximumEntries Get/Set the absolute maximum number of associations to keep. Return/assignment value: Long.
PerVariableMaximum Get/Set the per-variable maximum number of entries. Return/assignment value: Long.
ReverseExists Tell whether or not this entry exists. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
Values Get all numeric values. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
VariableIncludeList Get the variable include list - only these variables will be processed. Return value: Long(). This property is read only.


Name Description
OnMaximumAssociationsExceeded Fired from CreateNewAssociation when max number of associations has been exceeded. Allows sink to provide a value for the given label, or to increase the max allowed.
OnPerVariableMaxExceeded Fired from CreateNewAssociation when the per variable max number of associations has been exceeded. Allows sink to provide a value for the given label, or to increase the max allowed.