Axis Members


Name Description
ActivateStyle Makes object fully controlled by style, clears any customization.
CopyToStyle Copies options to the specified style.
DefaultStyle Sets default style, preserving customization.
IsCustomized Returns whether the object has been customized (it's not fully controlled by the style). Return value: Boolean.


Name Description
AdjustMarginsToMajorUnits Return/assignment value: Boolean.
AllowShiftOfLogScale Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Application Returns the application. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Attribute Return value: AxisAttributes. This property is read only.
AutoAngleLabels Return/assignment value: Boolean.
CategoryFormat Return/assignment value: String.
CustomGridLine Return value: Line. This property is read only.
CustomScaleValues Return value: CustomScaleValues. This property is read only.
CustomTickMark Return value: TickMark. This property is read only.
DateTimeStep Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DateTimeStepSize Return/assignment value: Integer.
DateTimeStepUnit Return/assignment value: DateStepUnit.
DimmedLine Return value: Line. This property is read only.
DisplayAutoLabels Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayCustomGridLine Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayCustomLabels Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayCustomTickMark Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayDataValues Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayGridLines Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayLine Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayMajorGridLine Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayMajorTickMark Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayMinorGridLine Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayMinorTickMark Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Font Return value: GraphicsFont2. This property is read only.
FullScaleMax Return value: Double. This property is read only.
FullScaleMin Return value: Double. This property is read only.
GraphDocument Returns the document of the graph. Return value: Graph. This property is read only.
IntegerStep Return/assignment value: Boolean.
IsFormatActuallyUsed Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
LocalID Return value: Long. This property is read only.
MainLine Return value: Line. This property is read only.
MajorGridLine Return value: Line. This property is read only.
MajorTickMark Return value: TickMark. This property is read only.
ManualLabelsAngle Return/assignment value: Integer.
ManualMaximum Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ManualMinimum Return value: Double. This property is read only.
Margins Return/assignment value: AutoMarginTypes.
Maximum Return value: Double. This property is read only.
Minimum Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinorGridLine Return value: Line. This property is read only.
MinorTickMark Return value: TickMark. This property is read only.
MinorUnitsMode Return/assignment value: GraphMinorUnitsMode.
MinorUnitsNumber Return/assignment value: Integer.
Name Returns the name of the layout. Return value: String. This property is read only.
NumberFormat Return/assignment value: String.
OnlyDisplayValuesWithText Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Parent Returns the parent of the layout. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ParentGraph Return value: GraphObject. This property is read only.
PercentFormat Return/assignment value: String.
RangeMode Return/assignment value: ScaleRangeType.
ReferenceLines Return value: ReferenceLines. This property is read only.
RelatedPlotID Return/assignment value: Long.
RelatedToPlot Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ReverseScaling Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ScaleType Return/assignment value: ScaleTypes.
ScaleValuesOrientation Returns/sets the axis scale values orientation. Return/assignment value: ScaleValuesDirection.
ScalesInMultipleGraph Return/assignment value: MultiGraphScales.
ShiftAxis Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ShiftAxisBy Return/assignment value: Long.
ShiftOfLogScale Return/assignment value: Double.
SkipValuesCount Returns/sets the axis scale values Skip count (only used when SkipValuesState is set to scgSkipValuesCount). Return/assignment value: Integer.
SkipValuesState Returns/sets the axis scale values Skip Values state. Return/assignment value: SkipValues.
StartFrom0 Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Step Return value: Double. This property is read only.
StepCount Return/assignment value: ScaleStepStart.
StepMode Return/assignment value: ScaleStepType.
StepSize Return/assignment value: Double.
Style Return/assignment value: AxisStyle.
TextLabelsFromDataSet Returns/sets if axis scale values use Text Labels from input dataset. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Title Return value: AxisTitle. This property is read only.