
This property returns the dialog of the analysis.

This property is read only.

Syntax Return Value
- Object

SVB Example

Outputting an analysis' results:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub main
    Dim newanalysis As Analysis
    'create a new Basic Statistics analysis using the active dataset
    Set newanalysis = Analysis (scBasicStatistics, ActiveDataSet)
    With newanalysis.Dialog
        .Statistics = scBasDescriptives
    End With
    With newanalysis.Dialog
        .Variables = ""
        .PairwiseDeletionOfMD = True
        .DisplayLongVariableNames = False
        .ExtendedPrecisionCalculations = False
        .PlotMedianQuartileRange = False
        .PlotMeanSEAndSD = False
        .PlotMeanSD196TimesSD = True
        .PlotMeanSE196TimesSE = False
        .UserDefinedPercentiles = False
        .ValidN = True
        .Mean = True
        .Median = False
        .Mode = False
        .GeometricMean = False
        .HarmonicMean = False
        .ConfLimitsForMeans = False
        .Sum = False
        .StandardDeviation = True
        .Variance = False
        .StandardErrorOfMean = False
        .MinimumMaximum = True
        .LowerUpperQuartiles = False
        .Range = False
        .QuartileRange = False
        .Skewness = False
        .Kurtosis = False
        .StandardErrorOfSkewness = False
        .StandardErrorOfKurtosis = False
        .UseNumberOfIntervals = True
        .NumberOfIntervals = 10
        .NormalExpectedFrequencies = False
        .KSAndLillieforsTestForNormality = True
        .ShapiroWilkWTest = False
        .ConfidenceIntervalForMeansPlot = 95.000000
        .CompressedStemAndLeaf = False
    End With
    Dim AnOut As AnalysisOutput
    'set the AnalysisOutput variable to the routed output from the analysis
    'RouteOutput generates the analysis output using the analysis output options
    'by default all output is place into a summary workbook
    Set AnOut = newanalysis.RouteOutput(newanalysis.Dialog.Summary)
    'display the output
    AnOut.Visible = True
End Sub