
This function saves changes to the data global options.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
Sub UserAndGroupOptions.SaveEx( _
    UpdateInfo As SystemOptionUpdateInfo)
UpdateInfo [in]

Information about the user admin options being changed.

Type: SystemOptionUpdateInfo

This function does not return a value.

SVB Example

Changing login constraints:

Sub Main

    Dim oOM As ObjectManager

    'Reconnect into Enterprise
    Set oOM = New ObjectManager
    oOM.Reconnect Application

    'Access Enterprise's global user settings
    'Force new passwords to be alpha numeric
    oOM.SystemOptions.UserAndGroupOptions.PasswordMode = swcPassowrd_AlphaNumeric
    'Disable login after 2 failed attempts
    oOM.SystemOptions.UserAndGroupOptions.MaxFailedLoginAttemp = 2
    'Passwords will expire every 30 days
    oOM.SystemOptions.UserAndGroupOptions.PasswordExpireCount = 30
    'Save our changes
    Dim updateInfo As New SystemOptionUpdateInfo
    updateInfo.AuditLogReason = "Using more strict login settings."


End Sub