Returns/sets the selected (rich-text formatted) text within the report.
Remarks: Documentation for RTF (Rich Text Format) is available online.
SVB Example
Adding formatted headers to a report:
Option Explicit Option Base 1 Sub Main Dim newanalysis As Analysis Set newanalysis = Analysis (scBasicStatistics, Application.Open(Application.Path & "\Examples\Datasets\Cat Clinic.sta")) With newanalysis.Dialog .Statistics = scBasDescriptives End With newanalysis.OutputOption.ReportPlacement = scAnalysisReport newanalysis.OutputOption.SupplementaryInfoLevel = scInfoLevelNone newanalysis.Run With newanalysis.Dialog .Variables = "3 6 9" .PairwiseDeletionOfMD = True .DisplayLongVariableNames = False .ExtendedPrecisionCalculations = False .PlotMedianQuartileRange = False .PlotMeanSEAndSD = False .PlotMeanSD196TimesSD = True .PlotMeanSE196TimesSE = False .UserDefinedPercentiles = False .ValidN = True .Mean = True .Median = False .Mode = False .GeometricMean = False .HarmonicMean = False .ConfLimitsForMeans = False .Sum = False .StandardDeviation = True .Variance = False .StandardErrorOfMean = False .MinimumMaximum = True .LowerUpperQuartiles = False .Range = False .QuartileRange = False .Skewness = False .Kurtosis = False .StandardErrorOfSkewness = False .StandardErrorOfKurtosis = False .UseNumberOfIntervals = True .NumberOfIntervals = 10 .NormalExpectedFrequencies = False .KSAndLillieforsTestForNormality = True .ShapiroWilkWTest = False .ConfidenceIntervalForMeansPlot = 95 .CompressedStemAndLeaf = False End With Dim rpt As Report newanalysis.RouteOutput(newanalysis.Dialog.Summary).Visible = True Set rpt = newanalysis.RouteOutput(newanalysis.Dialog.Histograms).Report Const REPORT_HEADER As String = _ "Weight Analysis for 1998-2000" Const HISTOGRAM1_HEADER As String = _ "Weight Histogram (1998)" Const HISTOGRAM2_HEADER As String = _ "Weight Histogram (1999)" Const HISTOGRAM3_HEADER As String = _ "Weight Histogram (2000)" 'set the selection of the report to the beginning of the document and then add our header to it rpt.SetSelection(1,1) rpt.SelectionText = REPORT_HEADER & vbCrLf 'Next, we will insert some text above the first graph. 'To do this, we will step over the embedded spreadsheet 'and the text that we just inserted and set the selection 'to be right above the graph. Call SetSelection again with 'the length of the text that we just inserted (including the carriage return after it). 'We must also add another 2 to that so that we can step over the 'embedded spreadsheet and the carriage return after it. 'Add these lines of code to move the selection above the first graph and to add a title above it Dim TotalSizeOfInsertedText As Long TotalSizeOfInsertedText = Len(REPORT_HEADER & vbCrLf) rpt.SetSelection(TotalSizeOfInsertedText+2, _ TotalSizeOfInsertedText+2) rpt.SelectionText = vbCrLf & HISTOGRAM1_HEADER 'Repeat this for the other graphs TotalSizeOfInsertedText = TotalSizeOfInsertedText + _ Len(HISTOGRAM1_HEADER & vbCrLf) rpt.SetSelection(TotalSizeOfInsertedText+4, _ TotalSizeOfInsertedText+4) rpt.SelectionText = vbCrLf & HISTOGRAM2_HEADER TotalSizeOfInsertedText = TotalSizeOfInsertedText + _ Len(HISTOGRAM2_HEADER & vbCrLf) rpt.SetSelection(TotalSizeOfInsertedText+6, _ TotalSizeOfInsertedText+6) rpt.SelectionText = vbCrLf & HISTOGRAM3_HEADER rpt.SetSelection(1,1) 'add some space at the top of the report for our title rpt.SelectionText = vbCrLf & vbCrLf rpt.SetSelection(1,1) 'Add a formatted header to the report rpt.SelectionRTF = _ "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1029" & _ "{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq4\fcharset0 Arial;}}" & _ "{\colortbl ;\red0\green64\blue64;}" & _ "\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs22 " & _ "Weight Report (" & Trim(Str(Date)) & ")}" End Sub
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