R Integration

R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing.

The R environment and its source code are freely available under the GNU GPL license; precompiled binaries exist for Microsoft Windows, Unix, and macOS platforms. R uses a command line interface, but several graphical user interfaces are also available.

R is highly extensible: you can submit libraries ("packages") implementing a set of functions, usually for a specific area of their expertise/research. The R community maintains several centralized repositories that make hundreds of such packages readily available (see http://www.r-project.org). Many of these packages cater specifically to highly specialized audiences with particular data analysis needs.

Note: It is recommended to interface with R via an R script, rather than through the COMadaptR class (via SVB) directly. Running an R script will implicitly include support macros that will simplify accessing results from R. The documentation included here is for advanced users wishing to access the COM R adaptor via SVB directly.

Refer here for an example.