SRAFitDistribution Members

Fit Distribution Startup dialog shows the following functions and properties.

Functions Description
Ok Return value: Integer.
Properties Description
Application Returns application object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ContinuousAndersonDarlingTest Set this option to 'True' if the . Return/assignment value: Integer
ContinuousChiSquareTest Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
ContinuousKolmogorovSmirovTest Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
ContinuousVariable Returns/sets the continuous variable. Return/assignment value: String.
DiscreteChiSquareTest Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
DiscreteKolmogorovSmirovTest Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
DiscreteVariable Returns/sets the discrete variable. Return/assignment value: Integer.
EqualInterval Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
EqualProbability Set this option to 'True' if . Return/assignment value: Integer.
FitJohnsonByPercentile Fit Johnson distribution using percentile method. Return/assignment value: Integer.
FoldedNormalOffset Returns/sets folded normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.
GeneralizedParetoOffset Returns/sets generalized Pareto normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.
HalfNormalOffset Returns/sets half normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.
IsBernoulliDistribution Returns/sets whether the Bernoulli distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsBinomialDistribution Returns/sets whether the Binomial distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsCasewise Returns/sets MD deletion to casewise. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsDiscreteDistribution Returns/sets whether the Discrete distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsFoldedNormalDistribution Returns/sets whether the folded normal distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsGaussianMixtureDistribution Returns/sets whether the Gaussian Mixture distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsGeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution Returns/sets whether the generalized extreme value distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsGeneralizedParetoDistribution Returns/sets whether the generalized Pareto distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsGeometricDistribution Returns/sets whether the Geometric distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsHalfNormalDistribution Returns/sets whether the half normal distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsJohnsonDistribution Returns/sets whether the Johnson distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsLogNormalDistribution Returns/sets whether the log normal distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsNormalDistribution Returns/sets whether the normal distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsNumberOfTrials Returns/sets whether a specific number of trials are being used. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsPairwise Returns/sets MD deletion to pairwise. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsPoissonDistribution Returns/sets whether the Poisson distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsRayleighDistribution Returns/sets whether the Rayleigh distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsTriangularDistribution Returns/sets whether the triangular distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
IsWeibullDistribution Returns/sets whether the Weibull distribution is included. Return/assignment value: Integer.
LogNormalOffset Returns/sets log normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.
Name Return value: String. This property is read only.
NumberOfMixtures Returns/sets the number of mixtures. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfTrials Returns/sets the number of trials. Return/assignment value: Integer.
Parent Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
RayleighOffset Returns/sets Rayleigh normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.
ResultsCodes Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsOption Assignment value: Integer.
ResultsOutputFields Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSaveFileName Assignment value: String.
ResultsSelection Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsSelectionOption Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsValues Assignment value: Variant.
ResultsVariables Assignment value: Variant.
Variables Select variables for the analysis. Return/assignment value: String.
WeibullOffset Returns/sets Weibull normal offset. Return/assignment value: Double.