IDMNodeHelper Members
Name | Description |
AssignVariablesDialog | Return value: Boolean. |
CodesSelectionDialog | Helper function to display a codes selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
CompactVariableSelectionString | - |
CopySpreadsheetStructure | Helper function to make a copy of given spreadsheet with only the first case. Return value: Spreadsheet. |
CopySpreadsheetStructure2 | Helper function to make a copy of given spreadsheet with only the first x number of cases. Return value: Spreadsheet. |
DeployModel | Helper function to create an output node; can be called from IDMNode::Execute e.g. when a node builds a model and outputs a model node. |
DoVariableSelection | Helper function to launch the standard DataMiner InputDescriptor variable selection dialog, modifying the node's own InputDescriptor. Return value: Boolean. |
EditRules | - |
EditVarSpecs | - |
GetCompleteInputDataset | Return value: InputSpreadsheet. |
GetDMNode | Return value: IDMNode. |
GetDataSourceParent | Return value: DataMinerNode. |
GetInputDataSourceCount | Return value: Long. |
GetInputDatasetStructure | Called by an IDMNode, passing his own DataMinerNode*, to get his incoming data source's structure from his parent node. Return value: InputDescriptor. |
GetInputDatasetStructure2 | Return value: InputSpreadsheet. |
GetInputDatasetUniqueValues | Called by an IDMNode, passing his own DataMinerNode*, to get unique values from his incoming data source from his parent node. Return value: Long. |
GetModelProviders | Get array of all model provider inputs (IProvideModel) to a node. Return value: Variant. |
GetNumberOfSelectedVariables | - |
GetSQLCriteria | Return value: String. |
GetSelectionFromList | Helper function to display a selection list of categorical level combinations. Return value: Boolean. |
GetVarSpecsForExtCol | - |
GetVarSpecsForExtCol2 | - |
HelpGetUniqueValues | A helper function to get unique values from an InputSpreadsheet, can be used to help implement IDMNode::GetOutputDatasetUniqueValues. Return value: Long. |
LoadNodeDefaultOptions | Return value: String. |
ReferenceValuesDialog | Helper function to display a reference values dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
SaveNodeDefaultOptions | - |
SelectEnterpriseObject | Return value: Boolean. |
SelectOneVariableDialog | Helper function to display a plain single var selection dialog. Return value: Boolean. |
SetWindowIcon | - |
VarSelDialog1 | Helper function to display a single var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialog2 | Helper function to display a 2 var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialog3 | Helper function to display a 3 var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialog4 | Helper function to display a 4 var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialog5 | Helper function to display a 4 var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialog6 | Helper function to display a 4 var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VarSelDialogFromSpreadsheet1 | Helper function to display a single var selection dialog. Can be called from IDMNode::Edit. Return value: Boolean. |
VariableSelectionStringToArray | - |
VariablesToArray | Given a variable list in a VARIANT, this helper function converts it to an array of 1-based variable numbers. |
VariablesToString | Given a variable list in a VARIANT this helper function converts it to a string. |
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