MIQCVCharts Members

These members are related to Multivariate Quality Control Charts for Variables object.


Name Description
CheckAllAlarms Check all alarms for currently valid samples and settings.
ComputeHighlightedConsecutiveRunsForMultipleStreamChart Highlight Consecutive runs for multiple stream chart;r is the run length;Specify chart type in the argument.
DataSource Connect to a datasource.
DeleteAMQUSet Delete an existing set.
ReadAggregatedData Read aggregated data for variable control charts (X-bar and R, S...
ReadData Read data for variable control charts (X-bar and R, S, MA, ....
UpdateSampleControlLimitAndCenterLine Update Control Limit and center line of Sample Info; set optional wFlag to 1 to perform checking for alarms.


Name Description
ARL ARL VALUE. Return/assignment value: Double.
ARLWL ARL VALUE for warning lines. Return/assignment value: Double.
AllHighlightedConsecutiveRunsforRChart Retrieve current values of All Highlighted Consecutive Runs for R Chart. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
AllHighlightedConsecutiveRunsforXbarChart Retrieve current values of All Highlighted Consecutive Runs for Xbar Chart. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
AllMultivariatePartInfo All information for multivariate part needed for scrollsheet. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
AllPartInfo All information for part needed for scrollsheet. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
AllPartInfo_HTS All information for Hotelling T-Square parts needed for scrollsheet. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
AllSamplesAreNew Treat all samples as new samples on update. Assignment value: Boolean.
AlphaProbLCL Store p value of LCL for the Chart. Return/assignment value: Double.
AlphaProbUCL Store p value of UCL for the Chart. Return/assignment value: Double.
AverageNForAllParts Retrieve Average N For All Parts. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
AverageNForAllSamples Retrieve Average N For All Samples. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
CaseWeight Gets/sets the case weights. Return/assignment value: Object.
CenterLineForAMQUSet Center Line for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
CenterLineGVCForSamples Retrieve CenterLineGVC values for samples. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
CenterLineValue Current value of X-Bar center line value. Return/assignment value: Double.
CenterLineValueForVarChart Current value of center line for chart of variability (e.g., Multiple stream R-bar, S-bar); setting this parameter will also change the value of Sigma. Return/assignment value: Double.
CenterLineVarForAMQUSet Center Line of generalized variance for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ChartInfoAverageRangeForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of Chart Info Average Range For Multiple streams. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ChartInfoAverageStDvForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of Chart Info Average Standard Deviation For Multiple streams. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ChartInfoSigmaForAverageRangeForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of Multiple stream Chart Info SigmaForAverageRange. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ChartInfoSigmaForAverageSForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of Multiple Stream Chart Info Sigma; S-chart. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
CodeForApplicationSet Code of Variable number for application set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
CodeForComputationSet Code of Variable number for computation set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
CodeForExclusionFromComputations Code For Exclusion From Computations. Return/assignment value: Integer.
CodeForExclusionFromComputationsAndGraphs Code For Exclusion From Computations And Graphs. Return/assignment value: Integer.
ComputeDecomposedTSquaredForSets Decomposed T-Square values for the sample(s) selected in brushing tab. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputeHighlightConsecutiveRuns Compute highlighted consecutive runs for multiple stream charts. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputeHighlightConsecutiveRunsForVarChart Compute highlighted consecutive runs for multiple stream var charts. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputeWarningLimits Compute warning limits, and include in chart. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputeWarningLimitsForSigmaChart Compute warning limits for GVC, and include in chart. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputeWarningLimitsForVarChart Compute warning limits in variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S), and include in chart. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ComputedAverageN Retrieve computed value of average sample n, for optional set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedAverageRangeForMultipleStreams Retrieve computed average range for multiple streams, for optional (computation) set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedAverageStandardDeviationForMultipleStreams Retrieve computed average standard deviation for multiple streams, for optional set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedMeanForMultipleStreams Retrieve computed overall mean for multiple streams, for optional set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedMeanvectorForAMQUSet Retrieve Computed Meanvector for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedOverallCovarianceMatrixForAMQUSet Retrieve Computed Overall Covariance for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedOverallCovarianceMatrixVarForAMQUSet Retrieve Computed Overall Covariance for a Multivariate set (GV Chart). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedSigmaForAverageRangeForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of computed sigma for average range For Multiple streams. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedSigmaForMeanForMultipleStreams Computed sigma for mean, for a (computation) set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ComputedSigmaForMultipleStreams Computed value of sigma, for a (computation) set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
ConstantControlLimitValueLCL Constant value for lower control limit (LCL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantControlLimitValueLCLForVarChart Constant value for lower control limit (LCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantControlLimitValueUCL Constant value for upper control limit (UCL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantControlLimitValueUCLForVarChart Constant value for upper control limit (UCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForControlLimitsLCL Constant multiplier; for lower control limits (LCL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForControlLimitsLCLForVarChart Constant multiplier; for lower control limits (LCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForControlLimitsUCL Constant multiplier; for upper control limits (UCL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForControlLimitsUCLForVarChart Constant multiplier; for upper control limits (UCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForWarningLinesLWL Constant multiplier; for lower warning limits (LWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForWarningLinesLWLForVarChart Constant multiplier; for lower warning limits (LWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForWarningLinesUWL Constant multiplier; for upper warning limits (UWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantMultiplierForWarningLinesUWLForVarChart Constant multiplier; for upper warning limits (UWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantWarningLimitValueLWL Constant value for lower warning limit (LWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantWarningLimitValueLWLForVarChart Constant value for lower warning limit (LWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantWarningLimitValueUWL Constant value for upper warning limit (UWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
ConstantWarningLimitValueUWLForVarChart Constant value for upper warning limit (UWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
ControlLimitORWarningLimit Gets control or warning limits in case of no sample. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
CreateAMQUSet Create a set with data and return status. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
CurrentChartIsValid Logical variable; if FALSE the current chart object is no longer valid (fatal error has occurred). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
DF2Parts Retrieve Degrees of freedom for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Parts). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
DF2Samples Retrieve Degrees of freedom for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Samples). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
DescriptiveInfoForMuChart Retrieve current values of Descriptive info for Mu-Chart. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
DescriptiveInfoForSigmaChart Retrieve current values of Descriptive info for Sigma-Chart. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
EndSampleForApplicationSet Ending sample number for application set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
EndSampleForComputationSet Ending sample number for computation set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
FixedNumberOfSamplesPerPart If it is fixed n per part. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
GeneralizedVarianceForSamples Retrieve Generalized variance values. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
IndexOfOutOfSamplesForVOrGV Index of out-of-control samples for R,S, GV chart. Return value: Integer(). This property is read only.
IndexOfOutOfSamplesForXbarOrMultivariate Index of out-of-control samples for X-bar and Multivariate chart. Return value: Integer(). This property is read only.
InfoForMQUSetsFromVariables Put information on Hotelling T-Square Sets from variables. Assignment value: Integer.
IsFixedNumberOfSamplesPerPart If it is fixed n per part. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
IsThisANewSample Is the respective sample a 'new sample' i.e., added in the last update (data reading). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
IsUniqueApplicationSet Is this future set unique? Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
IsVariableNumberAlreadyInUse This property returns an enumerated constant (>0) if a particular input variable (field number, referenced from 1) is already in use for some other purpose in the context of this chart. Return value: MIQCTypeOfVariableInChart. This property is read only.
LCLForAMQUSet LCL for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
LCLGVCForSamples Retrieve LCLGVC values for samples. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
LCLVarForAMQUSet LCL of generalized variance for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
LabelValueForCreatingNewSet Label value for creating new set. Assignment value: String.
LambdaForMovingAverage Lambda for multivariate exponentially weighted moving average line. Return/assignment value: Double.
MQUSampleSize Retrieve Sample Size for Hotelling T-Square Chart. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
MaximumPForProbabilityLimits Retrieve maximum probability value for probability-based control and warning limits. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueForCenterLineForVarChart Retrieve maximum valid value for center line value;Multiple stream R,MR, & S. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueForCenterLineXBar Retrieve maximum valid value for center line value; X-bar chart. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueForConstantMultiplier Retrieve maximum value for constant multiplier for control and warning limits. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueForSigma Retrieve maximum valid value for sigma. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueOfUpperControlLimitForVarChart Retrieve maximum valid value for upper control (warning) limit;Multiple stream R, S. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MaximumValueOfUpperControlLimitXBar Retrieve maximum valid value for upper control (warning) limit; X-bar chart. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
Meanvector Current user defined value of Meanvector. Assignment value: Double.
MeanvectorForAMQUSet Retrieve Meanvector for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MeanvectorForIndividualsMQUApplicationSet Retrieve Overall Meanvector for application samples for a Multivariate(individuals) set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MeasurementName Retrieve Measurement Variable Name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
MinimumPForProbabilityLimits Retrieve minimum probability value for probability-based control and warning limits. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueForCenterLineForVarChart Retrieve minimum valid value for center line value; Multiple stream R,MR & S. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueForCenterLineXBar Retrieve minimum valid value for center line value; X-bar chart. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueForConstantMultiplier Retrieve minimum value for constant multiplier for control and warning limits. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueForSigma Retrieve minimum valid value for sigma. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueOfLowerControlLimitForVarChart Retrieve minimum valid value for lower control (warning) limit;Multiple stream R, S. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
MinimumValueOfLowerControlLimitXBar Retrieve minimum valid value for lower control (warning) limit; X-bar chart. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
NameOfVariableToPlot Return field name of variable to chart. Return value: String. This property is read only.
NumberOfDigitsInDisplayedValues Number of digits to use when displaying values of means, sigma, etc.; 4 <= N Digits <= 12. Return/assignment value: Integer.
NumberOfParts Retrieve number of parts. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberOfSamples Retrieve number of samples. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberOfSamplesInAMQUSet Retrieve current number of samples, for optional computation Hotelling T-Square set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberOfSets Retrieve current number of sets of samples. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberofHighlightedRunsPlot_MaxPoint Number of highlighted runs plots for max points of X charts. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberofHighlightedRunsPlot_MaxPointVar Number of highlighted runs plots for max points of Var charts. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberofHighlightedRunsPlot_MinPoint Number of highlighted runs plots for min points of X charts. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
NumberofHighlightedRunsPlot_MinPointVar Number of highlighted runs plots for min points of Var charts. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
ObservedMeanForApplicationSetForMultipleStreams Observed mean for application set number. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallCovarianceMatrixForAMQUSet Retrieve Overall Covariance for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallCovarianceMatrixForIndividualsMQUApplicationSet Retrieve Overall Application set Covariance for a Multivariate (individuals) set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallCovarianceMatrixVarForAMQUSet Retrieve Overall Covariance for a Multivariate set(GV Chart). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallFValueParts Retrieve Overall FValue for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Parts). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallFValueSamples Retrieve Overall FValue for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Samples). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallNumberOfValidSamples Retrieve current overall number of valid samples (all sets and parts, after brushing, i.e., ignoring deselected points). Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
OverallObservedMaximumPlotPointForValidSamples Retrieve current overall maximum plot point (all sets and parts, after brushing, i.e., ignoring deselected points). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallObservedMaximumVarPlotPointForValidSamples Retrieve current overall minimum value for variability chart (R, S, etc.; all sets and parts, after brushing, i.e., ignoring deselected points). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallObservedMinimumPlotPointForValidSamples Retrieve current overall minimum plot point (all sets and parts, after brushing, i.e., ignoring deselected points). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
OverallObservedMinimumVarPlotPointForValidSamples Retrieve current overall minimum value for variability chart (R, S, etc.; all sets and parts, after brushing, i.e., ignoring deselected points). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PValueForControlLimitsLCL P-value for probability based lower control limits (LCL). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForControlLimitsLCLForVarChart P-value for probability based lower control limits (LCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForControlLimitsUCL P-value for probability based control limits. Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForControlLimitsUCLForVarChart P-value for probability based upper control limits (UCL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForWarningLinesLWL P-value for probability based lower warning limits (LWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForWarningLinesLWLForVarChart P-value for probability based lower warning limits (LWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForWarningLinesUWL P-value for probability based upper warning limits (UWL). Return/assignment value: Double.
PValueForWarningLinesUWLForVarChart P-value for probability based upper warning limits (UWL) for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: Double.
PartID Part ID. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartMean Part Mean. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartN Part N. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartName Part name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
PartNameFromSampleNumber Retrieve part name for a sample number. Return value: String. This property is read only.
PartNominalValue Nominal value for a part. Return/assignment value: Double.
PartNumberOfSamples Number of samples in a part. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartRange Part Range. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartStdDv Part StdDv. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
PartVariationValue Nominal value for a part. Return/assignment value: Double.
PlotPointValueVar Plot Point value for Var chart. Return value: String. This property is read only.
PlotPointValueX Plot Point value for X charts. Return value: String. This property is read only.
RecompForASet Get Recomputation function for a Set. This property is read only.
SampleActionName Name of sample Action name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
SampleActionType Sample ActionType. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SampleCauseName Name of sample Cause name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
SampleCauseType Sample CauseType. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SampleCoVarianceMatrixValueAtIndex Retrieve Sample Covariance Matrix at specified Index. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SampleCommentName Name of sample Comment name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
SampleCommentType Sample CommentType. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SampleHasAction Returns TRUE if an Action is defined for ('attached to') this sample (referenced from 0). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
SampleHasCause Returns TRUE if a Cause is defined for ('attached to') this sample (referenced from 0). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
SampleHasComment Returns TRUE if a Comment is defined for ('attached to') this sample (referenced from 0). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
SampleID Retrieve current values of Sample Info ID (first case id). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SampleInclusType Retrieve Sample Inclusion Type. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
SampleInclusionType Sample InclusionType. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SampleIndex Retrieve current values of Sample Info ID (first case id). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SampleIndividualType Sample IndividualType. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SampleMaxMeans Retrieve current values of Sample Info MaxPoints. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleMaxRanges Retrieve current values of Sample Info MaxPoints. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleMeanForAMeasurement Retrieve Sample Mean for a Measurement. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SampleMinMeans Retrieve current values of Sample Info MinPoints. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleMinRanges Retrieve current values of Sample Info MinPoints. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleMultivariatePoints Retrieve current values of Sample Info MultivariatePoints. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleMultivariatePointsGV Retrieve current values of Sample Info for GV Chart. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleName Name of sample. Return value: String. This property is read only.
SampleNames Retrieve current names of samples. Return value: String(). This property is read only.
SampleNofcs Retrieve current values of Sample Info Nofcs. Return value: Integer(). This property is read only.
SampleNumber Retrieve sequential sample number (from 0) for a sample name and optional part name. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
SampleRawDataForIndPlot Retrieve current values of Raw data in a specific sample for ind plot. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SampleTSquareValues Retrieve Sample T-Square values. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
Sampleflags Retrieve current values of Sample Info flags. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SamplesWithAlarmsViolations Retrieve an array with the current alarm violation (note: regardless of whether or not these are being checked by the calling project!). Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
SelectionCondition Gets/sets the selection condition. Return/assignment value: Object.
SetName Name of set (of samples). Return value: String. This property is read only.
SetNumberForSampleNumber Retrieve SetID (number) for specific sample number (referenced from 0; i.e., the first sample is sample number 0). Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
SigmaForRangeForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of sigma for range for Multiple streams. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SigmaForSForMultipleStreams Retrieve current values of sigma for Std.Dev. for Multiple streams. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
SigmaSamples Sigma Samples used to estimate the control limits of T-Square chart. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SigmaValue Current value of Sigma. Return/assignment value: Double.
SigmaValue2 Current user defined value of Sigma. Assignment value: Double.
SigmaValue2ForVarChart Current user defined value of Sigma for variance charts. Assignment value: Double.
StartSampleForApplicationSet Starting sample number for application set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
StartSampleForComputationSet Starting sample number for computation set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
SupportiveDescriptiveInfoForMuChart Retrieve current values of Supportive Descriptive info for Mu-Chart. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
TypeOfApplicationSetSample Sample selection type for application set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
TypeOfCenterLineValue Compute X-Bar center line value from data (e.g., X-Bar = Mean) or user-defined (X-Bar = Value). Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfComputationSetSample Sample selection type for computation set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
TypeOfControlLimits Type of control limits. Return/assignment value: MIQCTypeOfLimits.
TypeOfControlLimitsForVarChart Type of control limits for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: MIQCTypeOfLimits.
TypeOfPartNominalValues Type of short run chart. Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfPartVariationValues Type of short run chart. Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfSampleName Type of sample name. Return/assignment value: Integer.
TypeOfShortRunChart Type of short run chart. Return/assignment value: MIQCTypeOfShortRunChart.
TypeOfSigmaValue Compute sigma value from data (e.g., Sigma = R/d2) or user-defined (Sigma = Value). Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfSigmaValueForVarChart Compute sigma value from data (e.g., Sigma = Overall Covariance matrix computed from samples in T-Square) or user-defined (Sigma = Value). Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfTargetValue Compute Target(Mean vector) value from data(Mean vector for T-Square = Computed Mean vector) or user-defined (Mean vector for T-Square = Value). Return/assignment value: MIQCChartParameters.
TypeOfWarningLimits Type of warning limits. Return/assignment value: MIQCTypeOfLimits.
TypeOfWarningLimitsForVarChart Type of warning limits for variability chart (e.g.,Multiple stream R, S). Return/assignment value: MIQCTypeOfLimits.
UCLForAMQUSet UCL for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
UCLForHTSSets All information for Hotelling T-Square Sets needed for scrollsheet. Return value: Double(). This property is read only.
UCLGVCForSamples Retrieve UCLGVC values for samples. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
UCLParts Retrieve Overall UCL for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Parts). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
UCLSamples Retrieve Overall UCL for Hotelling T-Square Chart (All Samples). Return value: Double. This property is read only.
UCLVarForAMQUSet UCL of generalized variance for a Multivariate set. Return value: Double. This property is read only.
UnequalNMethod Computational method for unequal sample N. Return/assignment value: MIQCUnequalNComputation.
UnequalNMethodForVarChart Computational method for unequal sample N for variability chart (e.g., R, S). Return/assignment value: MIQCUnequalNComputation.
UpdateAMQUSet Update a set with data and return status. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
UseSuccessiveDifferenceApproach Compute covariances for Individuals charts using successive difference method or use simple covariance method. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VChartType Chart type for variable control chart. Return/assignment value: MIQCVchartType.
VarChartComputedFromAggregatedData Logical variables (TRUE/FALSE; 1/0); if variable control chart was computed from aggregated data (raw data are not available). Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
VariableForApplicationSet Variable number for application set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
VariableForComputationSet Variable number for computation set. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
VariableName Variable Name. Return value: String. This property is read only.
VariableNumberForActions Set field number with codes/names for actions. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForCauses Set field number with codes/names for causes. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForComments Set field number with codes/names for comments. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForInclusions Set field number with codes/names for inclusion/exclusion. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForPartIDs Variable/field number with part names (ID's);if equal to -1, then default labels will be used. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForPartIdendifier Variable/field number with codes/names for part identifier. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
VariableNumberForSampleIDs Variable/field number with sample names (ID's);if equal to -1, then default labels will be used. Return/assignment value: Integer.
VariableNumberForSampleIdendifier Variable/field number with codes/names for sample identifier. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
VariableNumberForSampleSizes Variable/field number with sample sizes (for attribute charts). Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
VariableNumberToPlot Variable/field number to plot. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
WarningExists Logical variables (TRUE/FALSE; 1/0); if there is a current warning message. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
WarningMessage Returns last warning message (string) if one exists. Return value: String. This property is read only.


Name Description
BeginAlarmChecking Called prior to checking for alarms.
EndAlarmChecking Called after checking for alarms.
ErrorAlert Called when an error occurs.
OnUpdate Called when data changes or is updated.
SampleInHighlightedRuns Sample in highlighted consecutive runs(for multiple stream charts).
SampleOutOfControl Sample out of control.
SampleOutsideWarningLimits Sample outside warning limits.