DataMiner Members

DataMiner Document Object.


Name Description
Activate Brings the document to the front.
AutoArrange Auto arrange the nodes in the workspace.
Close Closes the document.
CreateNode Create a new node. Return value: DataMinerNode.
CreateNode2 Create a new node as a child of the given node. Return value: DataMinerNode.
DisableTVMInDataSources Disables the TextValueManager in all currently open data sources. Should be called after calling EnableTVMInDataSources.
EnableTVMInDataSources Enables the TextValueManager in all data sources in this project. Normally the TVM is enabled prior to execution or variable/codes selection and disabled afterwards.
Execute Executes all nodes in the Data Miner project.
ExportXML Export XML. Valid options are combinations of DMXImportExportOptions enumeration. Return value: String.
FindNodes Find nodes by name or node identifier, or by passing an object with a function [TestNode(Node as DataMinerNode) As Boolean]. Return value: DataMinerNodes.
FindSingleNode Find a node by name or node identifier, or by passing an object with a function [TestNode(Node as DataMinerNode) As Boolean]. Return value: DataMinerNode.
GetDependencies -
GetDependencies2 -
GetNodeFromId Find a node by node identifier. Return value: DataMinerNode.
GetPlacementRectangle Get the coordinates of the DataMiner workspace placement rectangle; coordinates are relative to the DataMiner view window.
ImportXML Import XML. If bReplace is true, replaces self with data miner doc defined in the xml. Otherwise, updates existing nodes and adds new nodes.
Redo Redo the last operation.
RemoveNode Remove a node.
RemoveNodes Remove many nodes.
Save Saves the document.
SaveAs Saves the document as the specified file string. Return value: Boolean.
SaveCopyAs Saves a copy of the document as the specified pathname. Return value: Boolean.
Undo Undo the last operation.


Name Description
Application Returns application object. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
DependencyReport Return value: String. This property is read only.
Dictionary Get the workspace dictionary. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
FullName Returns the full name (including file path) of the document. Return value: String. This property is read only.
InputNode Get/Set the input node. Return/assignment value: DataMinerNode.
LeafNodes Get a collection of all leaf nodes (those with no children) of the specified type. Return value: DataMinerNodes. This property is read only.
Name Returns the name of the DataMiner project as a string. Return value: String. This property is read only.
NodeBrowserName Get/Set the name of the Node Browser that is associated with this DataMiner project. Return/assignment value: String.
Nodes Get a collection of all nodes of the specified type. Return value: DataMinerNodes. This property is read only.
OutputNode Get/Set the output node. Return/assignment value: DataMinerNode.
Parent Returns the parent of the object. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Published Return true if this workspace has been published. Return value: Boolean. This property is read only.
RootNodes Get a collection of all root nodes (those with no parents) of the specified type. Return value: DataMinerNodes. This property is read only.
Saved Returns/sets whether the document has been saved. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
ScrollingEnabled Get/Set scrolling workspace enabled. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
SelectedNodes Get/Set the selected nodes. Return/assignment value: DataMinerNodes.
ShowNodeIdentifiers Get/Set show node identifiers in workspace. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
SummaryReport Return value: String. This property is read only.
TextValueManager Get the text value manager which associates text values in data sources with numeric values and ensures consistency between different data sources. Return value: TextValuesManager. This property is read only.
UseGridUI Get/Set the option to use the grid ui to edit node parameters. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UseNodeIdInFolderNames Get/Set use node id in workbook folder names. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
UseTextValuesManager Get/Set using global text values manager. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Visible Returns/sets the visibility of the document. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Window Returns the window of the document. Return value: Window. This property is read only.


Name Description
Activate Called when the DataMiner document is brought to the front.
AfterExecute Called after the workspace is executed.
AfterExecuteNode Called after the node is executed.
BeforeAddToWorkbook Called before DataMiner document is added to a workbook.
BeforeClose Called before the DataMiner document is closed.
BeforeDoubleClick Called when any area of the DataMiner document has been double clicked.
BeforeExecute Called before the workspace is executed.
BeforeExecuteNode Called before the node is executed.
BeforePrint Called before the DataMiner document is printed.
BeforeRightClick Called when any area of the DataMiner document has been right clicked.
BeforeRouteOutput Called before output documents are routed to nodes.
BeforeSave Called before the DataMiner document is saved.
Deactivate Called when the DataMiner document loses the focus.
OnAddNode Called when a new node is added to the workspace.
OnClose Called when the DataMiner document is closed.
OnConnectNodes Called when two nodes are connected.
OnDisconnectNodes Called when two nodes are disconnected.
OnRemoveNode Called when a node is deleted from the workspace.
Open Called when the DataMiner document is opened.
SelectionChange Called when the selection within the DataMiner document has moved.