SpreadsheetImporter Members

These members are related to Text File to Spreadsheet Importer.


Name Description
AddTextValue Adds a text label association for a numeric column.
Import Imports the specified file, writing the Statistica Spreadsheet to the specified output file. Return value: Object.
Import2 Imports the specified file. Return value: Object.
Import3 Imports the specified file or stream. Return value: Object.
ImportMultiple Imports multiple files to a single Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Object.
ImportMultiple2 Imports multiple files as a single Statistica Spreadsheet. Return value: Object.
SetRandomSampling Extracts a random sample of the cases from the input file. Percentage value should be within the range of 0-100.
SplitRepeatingBlocksIntoMultipleCases When the file has blocks of repeating data, splits them into separate cases (the columns not in the repeating block are duplicated).


Name Description
CaseDelimiterEscape Returns/sets a character that can escape the case delimiter to allow embedded delimiters. Return/assignment value: String.
CaseDelimiterType Returns/sets whether cases are delimited by any one of the case-delimiter characters or all of them (i.e., cases are delimited by a given string). Return/assignment value: StringMatchTypeEnum.
CaseDelimiters Returns/sets the line-terminating character(s) between cases. Return/assignment value: String.
CloseTextDelimiter Returns/sets the character that marks the end of a text value. Return/assignment value: String.
CloseTextDelimiterEscape Returns/sets a character that can escape the closing quote to allow embedding quotes in the data. Return/assignment value: String.
ConsecutiveVariableDelimitersAsMD If consecutive variable delimiters are encountered, then treat it as missing data. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DecimalSeparator Returns/sets the decimal separator used in the input file. Return/assignment value: String.
EnableProgressBar Returns/sets whether to show a progress bar. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Error Returns a non-fatal error or warning message that was accumulated as the input file was parsed. Return value: String. This property is read only.
ErrorsCount Returns the count of various non-fatal error and warning messages that were accumulated as the input file was parsed. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
FirstRecordIsVariableNames Returns/sets whether to use the first row in the file as the variable names. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
FormatString Returns/sets the format string that specifies the column types of the input file. Return/assignment value: String.
MaxCases Returns/Interpret this value as missing data. Index is the column in input file. Return/assignment value: Double.sets the maximum number of cases to import. Return/assignment value: Long.
MissingDataCode Interpret this value as missing data. Index is the column in input file. Return/assignment value: Double.
MissingDataText Returns/sets the text to treat as missing data. Return/assignment value: String.
Mode Returns/sets the import mode, fixed length, or free (delimited). Return/assignment value: ImportModeEnum.
NumberOfLinesToSkip Returns/sets the number of leading lines to skip; skip first N lines. Return/assignment value: Long.
NumberOfVariables Returns the number of variables the imported spreadsheet will have. Calculated from the FormatString. Return value: Integer. This property is read only.
OpenTextDelimiter Returns/sets the character that marks the start of a text value. Return/assignment value: String.
OpenTextDelimiterEscape Returns/sets a character that can escape the opening quote to allow embedding quotes in the data. Return/assignment value: String.
Options Returns/sets per-variable flags controlling the import options (an ImportFlags value). Index is the column in input file. Return/assignment value: Integer.
SkipBlankLines Returns/sets whether to skip blank lines. Return/assignment value: Boolean.
StatisticaApp Sets the instance of Statistica that this object is connected to. Assignment value: Object.
UTF16 Turn on UTF-16 decoding for data sources that don't include the UTF-16 BOM. Assignment value: Boolean.
UTF8 Turn on UTF-8 decoding for data sources that don't include the UTF-8 BOM. Assignment value: Boolean.
VariableDelimiterEscape Returns/sets a character that can escape the variable delimiter to allow embedded delimiters. Return/assignment value: String.
VariableDelimiterType Returns/sets whether variables are delimited by any one of the variable-delimiter characters or all of them (i.e., variables are delimited by a given string). Return/assignment value: StringMatchTypeEnum.
VariableDelimiters Returns/sets the characters used to delimit the columns in the file. Return/assignment value: String.
VariableName Returns/sets the variable name. Index is the column in input file. Return/assignment value: String.