
This property returns associated Report.

Syntax Return Value

SVB Example

Setting an analysis's output to report:

Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Sub Main
    Dim newanalysis As Analysis
    'set the analysis to the active analysis
    Set newanalysis = Analysis (scBasicStatistics, ActiveDataSet)
    'set the output option for the analysis to individual windows
    newanalysis.OutputOption.AutoPlaceResultInWorkbook = False
    'set the output option for the analysis to a single common report for all
    newanalysis.OutputOption.ReportPlacement = scSingleCommonReport

    newanalysis.Dialog.Statistics = scBasDescriptives
    With newanalysis.Dialog
        .Variables = ""
        .PairwiseDeletionOfMD = True
        .DisplayLongVariableNames = False
        .ExtendedPrecisionCalculations = False
        .PlotMedianQuartileRange = False
        .PlotMeanSEAndSD = False
        .PlotMeanSD196TimesSD = True
        .PlotMeanSE196TimesSE = False
        .UserDefinedPercentiles = False
        .ValidN = True
        .Mean = True
        .Median = False
        .Mode = False
        .GeometricMean = False
        .HarmonicMean = False
        .ConfLimitsForMeans = False
        .Sum = False
        .StandardDeviation = True
        .Variance = False
        .StandardErrorOfMean = False
        .MinimumMaximum = True
        .LowerUpperQuartiles = False
        .Range = False
        .QuartileRange = False
        .Skewness = False
        .Kurtosis = False
        .StandardErrorOfSkewness = False
        .StandardErrorOfKurtosis = False
        .UseNumberOfIntervals = True
        .NumberOfIntervals = 10
        .NormalExpectedFrequencies = False
        .KSAndLillieforsTestForNormality = True
        .ShapiroWilkWTest = False
        .ConfidenceIntervalForMeansPlot = 95.000000
        .CompressedStemAndLeaf = False
    End With
    Dim AnalysisOut As AnalysisOutput
    'set the output generated by the analysis to the AnalysisOut variable
    Set AnalysisOut = newanalysis.RouteOutput(newanalysis.Dialog.Summary)
    Dim Rpt As Report
    'set the report variable rpt to the
    Set Rpt = AnalysisOut.Report
    'display the report containing the analysis output
    rpt.Visible = True
End Sub