Function3D Members

3D Custom Function.


Name Description
ActivateStyle Makes object fully controlled by style, clears any customization.
CopyToStyle Copies options to the specified style.
DefaultStyle Sets default style, preserving customization.
IsCustomized Returns whether the object has been customized (it's not fully controlled by the style). Return value: Boolean.


Name Description
Application Returns the application. Return value: Application. This property is read only.
Attribute Return value: Function3DAttributes. This property is read only.
Display Return/assignment value: Boolean.
DisplayContour Return/assignment value: Boolean.
EventHandlerCalculations Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Function Return/assignment value: String.
FunctionName Return/assignment value: String.
GraphDocument Returns the document of the graph. Return value: Graph. This property is read only.
LocalID Return value: Long. This property is read only.
Name Returns the name of the layout. Return value: String. This property is read only.
OverlaidContourMax Return/assignment value: Double.
OverlaidContourMin Return/assignment value: Double.
OverlaidContourRange Return/assignment value: OvlFunctionRangeType.
Parent Returns the parent of the layout. Return value: Object. This property is read only.
ParentGraph Return value: GraphObject. This property is read only.
RangeXMaximum Return/assignment value: Boolean.
RangeXMaximumValue Return/assignment value: Double.
RangeXMinimum Return/assignment value: Boolean.
RangeXMinimumValue Return/assignment value: Double.
RangeYMaximum Return/assignment value: Boolean.
RangeYMaximumValue Return/assignment value: Double.
RangeYMinimum Return/assignment value: Boolean.
RangeYMinimumValue Return/assignment value: Double.
ShowLegend Return/assignment value: Boolean.
Style Return/assignment value: FunctionStyle.
Surface Return value: Surface. This property is read only.