
This property returns the top-most (visible) spreadsheet which can act as a data source. This will ignore Spreadsheets that are not marked to use as an 'Input Dataset'.

This property is read only.

Syntax Parameters Return Value
- - Spreadsheet

R Example

Generating statistics from an R node:

#Stem & leaf plot of a variable named "DISTANCE"
#Descriptive statistics of the active dataset.
#Without RouteOutput, this will go into the R console report.
#RouteOutput will push these results into a spreadsheet,
#instead of the R console report.
RouteOutput(summary(ActiveDataSet), "Data Summary")

#Assuming there are variables 'CALORIE INTAKE' and 'DISTANCE' in the dataset,
#move their data into vectors for R to work with.
Calories <- ActiveDataSet$'CALORIE INTAKE'
Distance <- ActiveDataSet$'DISTANCE'
#Regress x on y and store the results
result <- lm(Distance ~ Calories)
#Add the regression line to the plot
#Customize the title
title(main="Calories vs. Distance", col.main="blue")