Returns/sets the color of the font.
SVB Example
Removing commands and comments from an R console report:
'#Language "WWB.NET" Option Explicit Sub Main Dim rpt As Report = ActiveReportEx rpt.SelectAll Dim rptText As String = vbCrLf & rpt.SelectionText 'Remove the R commands from the console report RemoveRConsoleLine(rptText, vbCrLf & ">"c) 'Remove the comments from the console report RemoveRConsoleLine(rptText, vbCrLf & "#"c) rptText = rptText.TrimStart rptText = rptText.TrimEnd rpt.SelectionText = rptText 'Format the report's text color to a soothing lavender rpt.SelectAll rpt.SelectionFont.Color = RGB(150,123,182) rpt.SetSelection(1,1) End Sub Sub RemoveRConsoleLine(ByRef rptText As String, ByVal lineToken As String) Dim tokenPosition As Integer = 0 Dim lineEnd As Integer = 0 'Scan the report text, stripping any lines that start with the specified token While tokenPosition <> -1 'Find the token tokenPosition = rptText.IndexOf(lineToken, tokenPosition) If (tokenPosition = -1) Then Exit While End If 'Find the end of the line after the token lineEnd = rptText.IndexOf(vbCrLf, tokenPosition+lineToken.Length()) If (lineEnd = -1) Then Exit While End If 'Remove the line rptText = rptText.Remove(tokenPosition, lineEnd-tokenPosition) End While End Sub
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